"I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared." Exodus 23:20
It is now December 7, 2006. (Just after midnight) So today, we leave for China. Today we leave to go get our sweet girl that God has specially picked for us. In 4 hours, we will be off to our first flight. I can't believe our time has come to get AnnaClaire! YAY! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!
Are we ready? I guess we are. As ready as we'll be! :) We totally packed today and all the luggage is sitting by front of the door. We've checked our lists, we have everything. We cleaned the house so we'll be ready when we get home, and we've prepared AnnaClaire's room for her arrival. We're as ready as we will be!
We had a little scare when my suitcase broke at 8PM, but no fear, I found a gorgeous Vera Bradley suitcase at Sharon Luggage that I got, repacked, and it is ready too!
WE ARE READY! Ready to embark on our newest journey, ready to start life with a baby girl. We are also extremely excited!
Continue to be in prayer for our family- safety, health, etc. Thank you dear friends for following along on our amazing journey.
along with the rest
and later...
First flight is done! Now we have the long one......
We arrived in Newark about an hour ago. Our morning began like this… We woke up at 4 and Mrs. Pugh picked us up for the airport at 10 till 5. We had a nice drive. When we got to the check in, there was a very nice lady in front of us. She asked where we were off to, and we told her we were going to China to get our baby! She was very excited and knows people who've adopted from China! We talked for awhile and then went off to our terminal. Dad and I got Starbucks and Will got Cinnabon. It was good. Our first flight was fine. The plane was tiny and loud but it arrived before it was supposed to and was a very short flight (1 hour, 20 min). I had to fight off sleep, because I really want to sleep on the China flight. We didn't have to go through security again when we got here (thank you, Lord!) So we walked to our Beijing terminal. We were just getting settled in when one of the families from our TG, the Fs came. Mrs. F recognized me first. :) We talked for awhile and then Mom and I searched for food. It is now 10 till 10 and we are waiting for Sbarro to open. Yes, we are hungry for lunch. I guess that's what happens when you wake up at 4am!
Love to all,
and Mom, Dad, and Will
...I cannot believe it's been a year since that day... A year since we embarked on the biggest journey of our life. A year ago, we didn't have AnnaClaire. We were prepared for the trip of a lifetime, but we hadn't began it quite yet. Here we are, a year later, and we have this beautiful girl, our AnnaClaire. I cannot believe it's been a year. My what a difference a year makes!!! That flight... all 14 hours plus the flight to Newark... it was a long day. It was the longest flight ever. But it was so worth it. I simply am amazed it's been a year... a year since my suitcase broke at 8PM and we had one hour to get a new one... a year since we stopped by Taco Bell/Pizza Hut and got personal pan pizzas for dinner. And tomorrow... ayear since we left for China... A year since we loaded all our baggage, the last time being at our house without AnnaClaire... A year since Mrs. P drove us to the airport at 5AM and we met our travel group... a year. What a year. I remember our thoughts on that day, December 7. I was so ready. But I was nervous, too. I had no idea what to expect... what would it be like? It was amazing. I can't believe it's been a whole year now!!! Wow. God is SO good!
Dear AnnaClaire,
Thank you for all you've brought to our family. I cannot believe it's been a whole year since we began our journey to China to bring you home. What a year!!!!!! I love you so much. Thanks for being my Bu, my love, my light. I praise God for making you my mei mei. I thank God for bringing you to us. He is so good. I love you sweet pea, forever and always.
Love, Sissy
I remember this time last year so very well. Every day I couldn't wait to open my internet connection and see what new things your family had experienced each day. AnnaClaire is such a little blessing. I'm sure this time of year will ALWAYS bring many fond memories. :0)
Aww that was such a sweet post! Wow does time fly! We will be approaching our 1 year China anniversary soon too.
What a sweet post. Congratulations on one happy year together! I wish you many more!
It's amazing to think about, isn't it? We've only had Sasha home for a little over five months, and it honestly feels like she has been with us forever!
I bet you CAN'T WAIT to embark on this journey again! I know the waits for China are quite long now, but I'm sure AnnaClaire will keep you occupied...until she understands enough to become superexcited herself!
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