Sunday, January 18, 2009

"I wanna go back to China...

Beautiful girls
Sweet friends walking around the Chen Family Temple together
"Everybody hug Kylie and Caleb's daddy!"
Chasing eachother all around (yes, this is what touring looks like with little ones!)
Playing in the hotel
Caleb, Kylie, and AnnaClaire sharing M&Ms
Kylie, AnnaClaire, and Darby on the red couch
Sharing cheerios on the flight to Beijing!
Dancing around and eating starbursts in Beijing see my Kywee, Darby, and Lu Tao again!"

I have really been missing China this weekend. You could call it China envy from following the three families I posted about as they are there. So I was looking through pictures and realized I had never posted these of AnnaClaire and her sweet "China srends." AnnaClaire loved every minute of our trip to China... especially her little friends. We traveled with 4 other families, 3 who had adopted little girls already, and 2 had their 2.5 year old girls with them. Kylie's family was on our same flight from our city to Newark and to China, and the girls had so much fun playing on the long plane ride! And that was only the start... When we landed in China, we met sweet Darby (who was also on our flight, but sitting in a difficult spot) and the girls danced around together. On the buses, they sat by each other, and at the museums, they ran around together. AnnaClaire asked about her friends every single day that we were in Jiangxi and excitedly chattered about them the whole flight to Guangzhou. They loved running around the hotel hallways, playing together, and sitting by each other at McDonalds. I'm so glad AnnaClaire had little friends in China! Kylie and Caleb, when you are in town, make sure to let us know! AnnaClaire misses you both SO much!

And so it's no wonder that the other day, AnnaClaire said to me, "I wanna go back to China to see my Kywee, Darby, and Lu Tao again!"

Thankfully, it doesn't take 30 hours of traveling to do that :)


Dawn said...

Too cute Emily! I cannot wait to be home... and you want to come back... ???
Thanks for sharing those. Too cute!

Kristi said...

Oh my goodness, what sweet pictures! I've been feeling much the same about China myself this week...
Funny that last Wednesday morning I asked Kylie what we should do and she said, "Umm, I dunno. Oh wait, can we go to my China?"
And she asked to wear her "airplane clothes" (the sweatsuit I bought her for the plane) so that she could see "all dose fun peeps, you know, like Anna Taire and her tiser Tate!"
We will catch up with you guys soon!