We had an absolutely beautiful morning (which turned into a beautiful day!), although a little on the chilly side. I had a track meet, so AnnaClaire and Dad decided to come and watch. AnnaClaire had so much fun and was very good for the 5+ hours we were there. She, as always, had fun seeing her "big" friends and cheering for Sissy! She has been talking about the "track meeting" (like Daddy's meetings) all day long!
While AnnaClaire was having fun at the "track meeting," Kate had a fun day shopping with just Mommy! Kate is SUCH a girly girl. She got some new shoes and was just prancing around like a princess throughout the whole store. She gets so excited about new shoes and clothes!
Oh and just a note to self, I really need to add pictures from Kate's birthday "party" in the mountains. We celebrated two weeks ago and yet still... no pictures. It's just so overwhelming because I have a lot of cute ones. Those are next, I promise!
David said he saw y'all there! I'm so sorry Maggie and I didn't decide to come too!!
Wow, you're a discus girl? I was Cabarrus County discus champ two years running in middle school! Glad that both of your little sisters enjoyed their day!
I'm lovin' the polka dots and how she's covering her ears! Adorable!!!
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