AND, thank you for all of your comments today! They really meant a lot! Enjoy the pictures!
So it has been a very busy few days... and now I just get to enjoy a nice summer :) I'm going to the beach with some friends on Wednesday... what better way to start it off?!
And completely off topic... but check this site to see how to get a cool toy and help a family bring their sweet waiting daughter home from China!
I don't even know why I'm posting this right now... other than the fact that this is my favorite picture in the world. And I realized I have never shared it on my blog since going to China last summer.
I have been working on this post for a good 40 minutes. I keep writing something and erasing it. I just can't seem to find the right words.
But I think this completely candid picture speaks more than my words ever could.
So I will leave it at that.
Our jr/sr prom was yesterday. It was SO much fun! Anyway, just wanted to share some of my favorite pictures from the night... mainly for my sweet Grandma :) Oh and yes... the girlies wanted to dress up in their "prom dresses," too!