I just recently did a new collage for our Chatty Sisters. (the picture above) and it reminded me how blessed we are. I'm telling you... through AnnaClaire's adoption, we have met the most incredible people who've become amazing friends. I know I've talked about the "Chatty Sisters" before, but just look at them. Could they be any cuter? All of these girls are from different parts (for the most part) of China, they all live in different places in the US, yet they have become friends already. Everytime AnnaClaire sees a picture of one of her "sisters", she points out who it is and kisses the picture. She loves these girls so much. We all got our referrals in the summer of 06 and traveled sometime that winter. Since and before then, the girls have been friends. They will forever have that bond. The friendships we have made through AC's adoption really have been just incredible. I look at each girl who we "know" and each one seems like a sister to me, and their moms feel like aunts. Some (most) of them I have never even met, but nonetheless, they are my sisters. The "Chatties" aren't the only friends we've made... there are so many more, too many to name. We have watched so many friends go through the miracle of adoption, even been with some of them, and it has been amazing. I still cannot believe how blessed we are to have made the friends we did, all because we have one thing in common: adoption.
That brings me to this... This weekend the very first "bloggy" friends my mom ever met are coming for a visit. I am SO excited. Mom has chatted with them for 2 years and finally we get to meet them! We have watched these families grow and it has been so fun talking to them these two years, but finally we get to talk in PERSON!! The three girls are already forever friends. Their moms feel like aunts to me... and I've never even met them. The girls are all 2. We were all LID for our babies in summer 06, but all ended up going SN and have been home awhile. The girls and their mamas are coming on Thursday and aren't leaving until Monday, so we have a long and fun filled weekend with these friends. I am SO excited. I can't even begin to explain. I even get to skip school on Friday for the occasion :D.
So that's basically what I wanted to say. I never would've imagined all the friends that would come out of AC's adoption. Not only were we blessed with a beautiful, sweet, amazing Asian princess, but we were also blessed with sweet friends that we will forever share a bond with. Need I say more?
Have a great time with the little girls....I wish I could have been a part of the equation but hopefully soon and I can come meet one of my first bloggy friends too when we finally get our little Grace:)
That collage is so cool!
Cannot WAIT to see you guys this weekend. I've already started packing. :) Will you go to Starbucks with me? :)
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