First of all, we had a springlike week, and AnnaClaire finally got to wear some of her spring clothes! However, the cold is back and we were in long sleeves again today. While it lasted, the spring weather sure was nice! All of these picture were at home except for the big one, in her tulip dress. That was at Five Guys yesterday. Love that dress. Some of the outfits are PJs (sure you can tell which ones). My personal favorite of her spring wardrobe is the green smocked dress that she's wearing with her pink crocs... SO CUTE! I haven't been too pleased with my camera, so sorry that some of the pictures are blurry... but I think you can still see the cuteness :)

These pictures, along with the following collages, were taken last Sunday. It was a nice day and Bu and I spent a long time outside. We went on a stroller walk, played "leap frog", did chalk, and looked at the clouds. To end the day, she even mowed the lawn with her pink and purple mower!

And finally... the last collage is (obviously) of her on the BIG potty! She's been so good about going on the big potty now, and goes whenever we are out now, too! She's doing so, so well and has panties dry most all of the time. The three pictures under it are of her watching Barney before Church last week. She was wearing just panties, and her new thing is "covers on". So yeah. She just loves Barney...
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