Here is sweet Grace's room... I absolutely LOVE it. Hopefully she likes pink :) Considering almost every picture we have, she is wearing pink... she has to, right? It is so cozy but not nearly as small as we were thinking it would be with a bed in it. We are still waiting on her book shelf to come in and of course, her nightstand is a bit bare right now...
AND, thank you for all of your comments today! They really meant a lot! Enjoy the pictures!
The room is so sweet! I'm sure that Grace will be thrilled!
it doesn't look small at all to me!! i think it's perfect!
thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful room!! It's fit for a princess.....can I come live with you??
Oh I love it =) It looks so cute :) I hope she likes it :)
Love the room, and I am sure Grace will too! It looks like it will be plenty big. The important thing is she has her own space that was decorated with LOTS and LOTS of love ust for her.
I love the white beadboard on the bottom of the walls. Kylie's room in our old house was just like that! It is a beautiful room and I'm sure that Grace will feel like a princess in there!
Grace is sure to love her room. It looks exactly like something my 11 year old daughter would love.
OH! It's beautiful! (and I don't even like pink!)
Her room is adorable! I think you guys are amazing to put together such beautiful rooms and beautiful clothes in your beautiful home! God has so richly blessed you all and He is inspiring all of us through you!
Anonymous--How dare you write such mean things? Please just go away!
The room is great. I am glad you did not let the annonymous comment get you down or stop sharing your beautiful story with us! Thanks for sharing the pics.
This is a beautiful room!Pink is my favorite color...who doesn't like Pink?!!!! Grace will love it and the clothes look beautiful too.
She is so blessed to be part of your loving Christian family as you are blessed to have her as a sister and daughter. My girls would love that room and it isn't a bit small.
The room is adorable! She will love it!! She will not care how big it is but just that it is hers! So excited for you to bring home your treasures!!
Emily- How will you blog in China? Will you email it to your blog? Just wondering!
oh i love love love that room!!! it's perfect for her. and i love seeing her clothes in that closet! :)
It looks great! Filled with love from her FAMILY!! :)
Wow! That is a beautiful room! I would have loved it as a little girl! I know Grace will too!
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and Elijah
Grace's room looks great!! She is going to love it! Oh and don't let anonymous get to you. I can't believe someone would actually have the nerve to write something like that! It's pretty sad that anonymous doesn't have anything better to do with their time....not to mention not having the guts to even sign their name.
Emily, you have such a lovely blog for your family! I love the music! Such a positive feeling hearing it when browsing through your blog! Love Grace's room, and congrats on your family adopting an older child! I would love to adopt again from China, with our first DD from Guangxi, who was 21 mos. old then, and now 3 years old. Your two sisters look so very happy! I have my eye on a girl in China who is soon to be turning 13 years old in June. Just have to convince my DH to do another adoption! Your family are very blessed to have you in the family! God bless in your family's upcoming adoptions! Zoe
I love her room. It is beautiful! And perfectly sized. I'm sure she will love it too.
Gee that is the size of a whole house in China! Again, if people went and saw, they'd know how blessed we all are here, and that Grace will be so loved, it doesn't matter the size of her room or if she had to share etc.
I can't wait to see her and Charlie in your family!
Her room is beautiful!! She is sure to love it!!!
What a beautiful room! Perfect for princess Grace!
Wow! what a beautiful, warm, lovely room for your sweet Grace to come home to! She is so blessed already!
Emily, is Grace having an opportunity to learn English yet? Have been praying specifically for the language transition for her.
A beautiful room...Grace will not only have this cozy place to sleep and have time to herself when she wants, but she'll be wrapped in the love of your family and the love of God that so clearly shines through you and your family. I'm so sorry to have read the previous post...I'm very surprised that anyone who has read your blog for any length of time would presume anything hurtful about you or your family. Grace is so lucky to have a spot in your family. I hope the sting from those words have left your heart.
Blessings to you,
Wow!!! Grace's new room looks FABULOUS! And look at all those sweet clothes you and your Mom picked out. I know how much fun you both had shopping. Having adopted an older child, I know how hard it can be to guess what their personality and preferences will be like. Planning and shopping can be so hard. I know Grace will feel so welcomed and loved! Thanks for sharing your heart and family with us!!! I trust that God will use the rain from hurtful comments to grow new and beautiful flowers of blessings in your beautiful family's lives!!! Love you!
I love this room. It is so bright and cheery. I can picture Grace curled up in the chair by the window reading a good book.
great job!!!!! She will be so pleased :)
now LORD bring those TA's
Emily, you and your family have prepared a beautiful room for Grace... and a wonderful place for her in your hearts and family! The only thing that will make it better? Is to have her in it!
Love it! Can't wait to see her in it and part of your wonderful family.
lol. I love it!! I live in a central part of a big city and that room is bigger than 2 out of 3 bedrooms in my house. My 10 old has the smallest room and loves it. It is all hers and she feels it is cozy. The room is gorgeous and Grace will cherish it.
Grace won't believe it. I can't wait to finally see them come home.
The room is beautiful!!!
Looks like a great room can't wait to see Grace in there.
Ohhh, it's beautiful. She'll absolutely love it! :)
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