Today you are 17 months old. On your 17 month birthday, I want you to know that if I could be anywhere right now, I would be with you... holding you in my arms... kissing your cheeks... and telling you that you are now 17 months old! However, that is not where I am or where I am able to be.
God is definitely teaching me patience through this wait (maybe more patience than I would like!) Everytime the phone rings, I jump up to check caller I.D. It is always a disappointment when it's not the anticipated call. Some day though, it will be. On that day, I will rejoice, knowing that I am that much closer to you! I really am having a hard time with this whole patience thing! I know when the time is right... PERFECT, God will unite us. Until then I find hope in His promises. Last night I was reading my Bible and looking for verses on patience. I came across Psalm 40:1 which says, "I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry." Next to that passage is a little devo on patience. It reads, "It's difficult to wait. You might even feel like you're becoming an expert at it-waiting for this and that. So what's the quick fix? Sorry, Charlie, you've gotta wait it out. God knows your situation, but he has something for you to learn in the process. So keep waiting and start learning. Your patience will be rewarded. Guaranteed." It reminds me of something I heard in Church the other week, "The process isn't always easy but it's the process that makes us stronger. If we just got what we were waiting for right now, we would miss the whole process, the part that makes us stronger. The process is the POINT." I know that my patience will be rewarded. Rewarded beyond belief with another darling sister, YOU, sweet Kate! However, until that sweet reward, I just need to be patient and let Him do His job! Nobody said it would be EASY, they just said it'd be WORTH it. He has a reason for this wait... and at some point, that reason will be revealed to us! For now, I am trying to see what He is teaching me through the process while praying that He is preparing your heart for what is about to happen in your life!
So, my precious baby girl, happy 17 month birthday. I hope your nanny hugs you extra tight today... for me. Know that we are coming... just as soon as we can! I love you little one!
Love always,

God is definitely teaching me patience through this wait (maybe more patience than I would like!) Everytime the phone rings, I jump up to check caller I.D. It is always a disappointment when it's not the anticipated call. Some day though, it will be. On that day, I will rejoice, knowing that I am that much closer to you! I really am having a hard time with this whole patience thing! I know when the time is right... PERFECT, God will unite us. Until then I find hope in His promises. Last night I was reading my Bible and looking for verses on patience. I came across Psalm 40:1 which says, "I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry." Next to that passage is a little devo on patience. It reads, "It's difficult to wait. You might even feel like you're becoming an expert at it-waiting for this and that. So what's the quick fix? Sorry, Charlie, you've gotta wait it out. God knows your situation, but he has something for you to learn in the process. So keep waiting and start learning. Your patience will be rewarded. Guaranteed." It reminds me of something I heard in Church the other week, "The process isn't always easy but it's the process that makes us stronger. If we just got what we were waiting for right now, we would miss the whole process, the part that makes us stronger. The process is the POINT." I know that my patience will be rewarded. Rewarded beyond belief with another darling sister, YOU, sweet Kate! However, until that sweet reward, I just need to be patient and let Him do His job! Nobody said it would be EASY, they just said it'd be WORTH it. He has a reason for this wait... and at some point, that reason will be revealed to us! For now, I am trying to see what He is teaching me through the process while praying that He is preparing your heart for what is about to happen in your life!
So, my precious baby girl, happy 17 month birthday. I hope your nanny hugs you extra tight today... for me. Know that we are coming... just as soon as we can! I love you little one!
Love always,

By the way, thank you Keara for making this sweet collage for Kate! I absolutely love it! I blurred out our last name for privacy reasons, but you can still see how cute it is! Thanks again!
Lastly, if you missed the Chapmans on Good Morning America this morning, you can watch it here. It's a must-see. What a special, special family. They are also on Larry King Live tomorrow night... you won't want to miss that, either.
Emily, I am hurting with you in your longing to be with your sister. I know how difficult this wait is and your post on patience was beautiful. You are wise beyond your years and have such a heavenly perspective.
Happy 17 month birthday Kate! It won't be long before you are celebrating all of these milestones at home with your loving family!!! They are ready for you!!! Come home soon (oh and can you bring Sara Beth with you when you come?!)
Oh that is such a beautiful post. I know how hard the wait must be, but soon you will have Kate in your arms! I love the bible quotes in your post--they are so true!
I feel so honored that you put the collage on your blog! I am glad you enjoyed it.
Say Hi to your family- Maura sends her love/kisses!!! :)
Happy Birthday sweet Kate- I know how much you must want your sister to b with you-
Oh the wait!
There coming SOON baby girl!!
The little collage is so cute!
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