If you've already traveled to China, you probably remember seeing the huge Olympic countdown signs all over Beijing. When we were there, there were 600 something days left until the Olympics started. Now, there are 6 days, 11 hours, 32 minutes, and 24 seconds until the Games start. (according to
NBC at 8:25) So in one week, the Olympics will begin. So... what does this mean for us?

As of now, we have absolutely no idea. There is a very good chance that our LOA could arrive in the next batch that AWAA gets. AWAA normally gets 2 batches a month... so our chances for LOA in August are very likely. Of course, as we learned (the hard way) with AnnaClaire, we can never EXPECT anything. The adoption process isn't always
fair, but it is what it is. Anyway, at the moment, we have no idea if the C*C*A*A* is closing or not. Some agencies say that it will be closed the whole month of August. Some say it will be closed during the Olympics. Some say it won't be closed at all. I'm hoping with all my heart for the third option.

Yesterday, quite a few families from our agency received LOA. Most of them received their referrals in mid July, but were already through the review room. A few families were LOI in May and got them. So... when will ours be here? Today is day 49. The average is 70. We have been told that since our dossier is SN only that it will only take two months... that would be August 13. So between 60-70 days is what we are
thinking. But... as we all know, the adoption process doesn't always (ever) work the way
we want it to work. If our LOA does come by mid August, there is a very good chance that we will travel in late September. Praying, praying, praying...

You see... In October, China has the big trade fair in Guangzhou. That would be no big deal since Kate is in Jiangxi except for the fact that we HAVE to go to Guangzhou to take the oath and get Kate's visa. So basically we travel in September or we travel in November. And I think you all know what we would rather do.

We do have something to be excited about, though. Earlier this week, we contacted Angela of
Ladybugs *N* Love. If you haven't heard of Ladybugs *N* Love, be sure to check it out! You can send care packages (we will do that once we receive LOA) and the coolest part: you can request a call to the orphanage!!! You can ask 10 questions. So, Angela told us that she would contact the orphanage this week with our 10 questions. She said that most orphanages respond and we have heard great things about Kate's orphanage director... so hopefully we will hear back next week or the next. We are very hopeful for the answers to our questions and maybe even an update!!

I don't know if you remember, but in June, Mom, AC, and I were able to meet one of our chatty friends, Amy. I have been working on designing her blog... check it out
here! I think I have decided to go back into designing blogs... so if you are interested, you can email me at emilyh331@gmail.com. I will be charging in addition to the cost of the kit you want to use (unless it's free.) So basically, all you have to do is have a kit in mind and you can email me. I don't expect this to be a huge thing, just something I will do in my spare time. So you can contact me if you are interested.

Oh and... we now have *17* quilt squares. Check the
quilt blog to see them. Well, my pictures aren't loading on the blog, so I have a few more too add, but I did update it the other day with many of the squares we got while I was in Romania. We need more quilt squares! LOTS more quilt squares! So please email me at emilyh331@gmail.com if you would like to send one. I would love to send your family a square, too, if you are collecting them.

Yesterday, AnnaClaire made her wish. It is adorable. I asked her what she wanted to put on her wish and she said that she wanted to "draw Kate a picture." So we traced her hands and she colored them in... so cute. Then I asked her what she wanted to write on the wish. She said, "I love you, you love me, we're best friends like friends should be. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too?!" I thought it was cute that she used the "best friends" version, because she never sings it that way. I asked her if she wanted to say anything else and she said, "I LOVE YOU!" Later, she talked about how she was excited to share her toys with Kate and that Kate could help her blow out the candles on her birthday cake (HOPEFULLY we will have Kate then... October 27.) What a sweet big sister she is going to be!! But anyway...

Did I mention that Miss AnnaClaire's hair fits into a ponytail now? How cute is she?!?! Okay, back to what I was saying... Today a bunch of the clothes we ordered from H*anna A*ndersson came. So cute... matching sister outfits!! My favorite is the new lime green and hot pink play*dress/day*dress. We got one for each girl and they are adorable! I cannot wait to put my sweet sisters in matching outfits! So exciting! :) Oh and our little "pray for China" bracelets came! If you haven't heard about what Voice of the Mar*tyrs and Ch*naA*d are doing, go
here to read about it. We will definitely be wearing our wrist bands and praying for the Christians of China while the spotlight is on their country! I ask you to pray for those in China who give everything for what they believe. What a special person that takes.

That's about it. This post has taken
ages to finish just because these pictures are taking 15 minutes for ONE to download. So there you go. A little (big) update on everything going on here. We are hanging in there, just really wanting to get our littlest girl SOON.
P.S. since a few people had asked, the dress is from www.sewingforgracie.blogspot.com. It comes with pants, too, but we just got the dress and bow.
That was a great post!
I have been wanting to do the Lady Bugs N Love thing for a long time now! My mom is trying to decide if we should wait to get RA or not. I can't wait to see how it works for you!
Cute pig tail!
oh you know I'm praying you're in and out of China before October!
GREAT pics of AnnaClaire! I LOVE the dress in the first pics...I gotta have one of those. :)
I wanted to add that we ordered a package of 10 wrist bands and they arrived at our home in less than a week, so it's not too late to order.
Ok, Miss Emily, where in heaven's name did AnnaClaire get that China print dress?!! That is adorable!
And it *is* possible to travel in October. We met our group in Beijing on 10/22, got our babies on 10/25, traveled to Guangzhou on 10/31, and returned home on 11/5. And we went to Jiangxi as well.
If you ladies are up for it this coming week, I'd love to get our girls together. Ask your mom and email me at valerie @ thestranathans.com.
I love AnnaClaire's hair length. It looks longer since the shore and I think it looks really cute on her. What a doll!
She looks adorable in the dress!! I have yet to make one for my own girls :(
I hope you get your LOA soon. We got ours on 7/25 and hope to egt TA very soon!!
AnnaClaire is absolutely beautiful! (but you already knew that)
I'll be praying that you get to travel in September. It's pretty nice in China in September as I remember it from last year.
Amy Jo's blog looks great Emily! You did a GREAT job!
Praying you'll be able to go to China before October.
Precious wish created by AC and oh what a great poem she added.
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