Our God is SOOOOO good! Through an amazing turn of events and a few (very) sweet friends, we have found more pictures of our sweet Kate... who is known as Shia! We have 12 pictures of her from age 4 months (the day she came to Philip Hayden) until as soon as August 6th! How? She is is PHILIP HAYDEN!!! Well she was. We aren't sure if she still is because we were told she is back at the orphanage. We are SO, SO blessed! We also found out that she did, indeed, have surgery! You will notice how puffy her cheek is in the earlier pictures. Look how good it looks now!!!! We aren't sure when she had the surgery, but we know she did sometime before June and after March. We also know that she was not alone and had a nanny with her during surgery. Praise GOD!! These are the pictures we've found so far, but there might be more!! Right now, we are just enjoying seeing our beautiful girl and wanting her 10 times more!! OHHH her little smile. I'm so in love. Not only in love... so THANKFUL. We have seen pictures of her celebrating Children's Day, getting a hair cut, celebrating kids birthdays, having an olympic party... the list goes on. We are so blessed. If she can't be here at home with us, this is the best place she could be. AND, our sweet girl is with our chatty friend's newest daughter!!!!! What a God-thing!!! AnnaClaire and Shaoeys referrals were "surprises" on the same day and now we found out that our newest girls (5 months apart) are together!! OH MY GOODNESS, SHE IS SO CUTE!

She is so wonderful . . . i am still amazed that you found her!! It is truly a God-thing and He sure is Good!!
Unbelievable! What an awesome God we have!!!! It gives me goosebumps. Now please let this sweet girl come HOME! :)
Oh my, oh my!!!! HOW AWESOME!
I am celebrating with you!
Wow! I have never seen so many photos! Kate is such a cutie. That is neat that they took pictures of her during holidays/special occasions!
I cannot wait to meet Miss Kate! We have to get together!! :)
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi.
Isn't God so good. Miss Kate is so sweet and we can't wait until she is united with you!!
Also tell Miss AnnaClaire congratulations on getting baptized! She looked like such an angel!!
Horner family,
We rejoice with you in your wonderful news about Kate today! God is so good and has done exceedingly abundantly what we could ask or hope for! I praise and thank Him for protecting her and watching over her each day!
We cannot wait to see your precious girl in your arms of love.
With much love, Sarah Strand and family
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