AnnaClaire and Kate have been coming up with all of these great ideas of things to do lately. They have really started to play
well together. It's so sweet to see and they are always running around after each other and playing together. What an adorable sight! They aren't perfect together, but it is so nice to finally see them playing together. AC is starting to take after Kate, who is a great player! (AC has never been a great player...) and Kate is definitely interacting more with AnnaClaire. They truly LOVE eachother and over all, get along VERY well together. I just love watching/hearing them play. They are always giggling and AnnaClaire is SO good with her little sister (not perfect, but very good!)
One of their favorite activities is camping (gathering a bunch of stuff and camping underneath Mom's bed, the "tent.") Will goes camping a lot, and they want to be just like their big brother and do the same thing. It's adorable! Anyway, yesterday, they were camping and AnnaClaire asked if she and Kate could put their "toot toots" on and dance. So that's exactly what we did! :) The girls both had SO much fun dancing around in their "toot toots!" Mom and I, of course, had fun watching them... I'm not sure that sight of our two girls TOGETHER in their pink "toot toots" will ever get old.
I mean... just look at them. It doesn't get much cuter than that.
I love you, my sweet ballerina girls!
oh my! they are so precious in their "toot toots".
so glad to hear they are playing well together. that's a huge milestone!! :)
Too cute!
Not much cuter than those two in their "toot toots!" I think it must be something about month three, because I think we've turned a corner here in our house too. Kylie and Caleb are far from perfect together, but they are starting to play together more on their own! It sure will be fun to finally get them all together...
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