Four months is really no time at all, yet Kate has come so amazingly (if that's even a word) far in these four months that she has been a part of our family. What a joy she has been and continues to be day in and day out. It's hard to imagine life before this princess joined our family. And how thankful I am that our Father picked
her, our sweet little Kate Xuliu to be my little sister. She is truly one in a billion!
Happy four months, precious girl! I love you
so much!
I posted a home update on the website with some of Kate's fourth month happenings and milestones, so be sure to check that out!
She is just so beautiful !!! Congratulations!!! KJ
Hello there! I figured it was time I introduced myself since I've been following ever since you went to get Kate. I found you linked to a friend in your waiting mommies group and let me just say, you have gotten me hooked! I'm so impressed with your maturity and love for the Lord. It blesses my heart to read about your love for Him and your little sisters. You've got to have one of the proudest moms on the planet! Adoption truly is a wonderful blessing and my family and I are happy to be celebrating our first gotcha day anniversary this week. We met our little boy from Guatemala for the first time a year ago yesterday. I feel like I know you personally even though we've never met. We live in the same area so it's possible we've been at the same place at the same time. Any time I see a family with a little girl from China I always check to see if it's you so I can say hi! I will continue to read and maybe one day, we'll actually run into each other! Thanks for all that you share.
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