We landed at about 6:15 tonight after a really fun trip. We had to leave at about 10 this morning to be at the airport at 11. The M's flight was at 12:30... ours wasn't until 4:30. However, the 5 and a half hours went really fast and AnnaClaire was very well behaved! We found a little store that Mom and I looked in for awhile and AnnaClaire played with the toys in there. She had a lot of fun. We got her a few toys there, ones we had been wanting and figured we might as well get then so we could atleast keep her occupied. So we got her a little wodden train and a puzzle thing. We then went to lunch. The whole time at the airport, AnnaClaire saw that Air Train thing (we were at Newark) and was just enthralled by it. So we decided to ride it. On we went from terminal A all the way to the end and then back. She loved it! Once that was done, we had just over 2 hours before our flight, so we went back to the gate and got out the train. AnnaClaire LOVES her train. She pushed it around and took the blocks on and off of it. She would push it through "tunnels" and over "choo choo tracks." She loved it! She also LOVED her puzzle thing. That kept her occupied for awhile. At one point, we got to the heart puzzle thing and we asked her all the questions and then asked if she knew what a heart stood for. She of course knew, love. We then asked if she knew any songs about love, to which she started singing, "I love you." I then asked if she knew anymore. This song must've just been too special to sing quietly just to Mommy and Sissy, as she went in the middle of our gate and starts singing (very loudly!) "Jesus Loves Me!" It was the cutest thing ever. I'm sure everyone in the whole gate heard her, and just looked at her like she was the cutest thing ever (I may be a little biased... but she is.) Anyway... just a really cute moment there! The new toys were definitely a good thing, and they were things we have been wanting to get her for awhile, too! Finally, we boarded our flight. Our seats weren't together, but thankfully a very nice man traded with us. AnnaClaire fell asleep just after we boarded and didn't wake up until right before we landed. I was amazed she actually slept through take off! She was wiped out! We could not have asked for a better little traveler! We had her carseat with us, so we figured we might as well use it on the plane. I think we are going to have to take it to China... It is so much easier to travel with her confined in it. Just because you know... 2.5 year olds traveling on a plane can be exhausting. Dad got us at the airport and AnnaClaire was very happy to see him. She told him all about the trip and then begged him to play with her "train and puzzles, too!" when we got home. We stopped for dinner at Pei Wei on the way back and then Dad fulfilled his promise.
Anyway, we were sad to leave. The girls kept saying they wanted to see their daddies, but they really wanted "more" and to "stay longer." They said goodbye with sweet hugs, kisses, and waves. We'll have to do it again, Lucy and Claire! We had so much fun and miss you already!
I'll definitely post more tomorrow... I need to get caught up on all my pictures and all about the trip!
Lastly, please pray for Drew as he returns from China! He is probably heading to the airport right about now (almost 12:00PM China time on Tuesday) but he won't get back until Wednesday morning US time. Just pray that he will have a safe and uneventful travel back and get here safely and not have too much jet lag! He has had an amazing time and said he isn't ready to come home! He's going back in the fall for a semester, and he is already looking forward to that. We are all ready to see him, though, and I know AnnaClaire misses him so much!
Welcome home! Glad you had such a great trip.
Great tip about using the carseat on the plane. I guess it's where she's comfortable and allowed AC to sleep. Adorable story about singing, 'Jesus Loves Me'!! He sure does AC...and so does your awesome sissy!
glad you made it safe and sound!
5 hours in an airport? Way to go AnnaClaire for being so good for SO long!
sounds like you guys/ladies had a wonderful trip!! That AC never ceases to amaze me. She is one bright/talented little girl I tell you. Love the sweet matching dresses in the post below as well.
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