"I have a little sister, too!" That is what AnnaClaire told her story time teacher today, after being asked if I was her big sister. I think she's warming up the idea!
Anyway... this is a video of AnnaClaire introducing her mei mei! This was taken the day after we received our referral! I think she definitely knows whats going on. She has been a little full of herself lately. (Don't you love how everything is "no" in the video... and when I tell her to kiss Miss Kate, she says, "No, I only get a kiss!" as in she wants all the attention!) I think it will definitely be difficult, but it will all turn out fine and AnnaClaire is going to make a great big sister! It's still weird to imagine AnnaClaire as a big sister.
I'm not really in the mood to post pictures, because I have quite a few to post... but here's one. (Taken with the new camera!!) I did just have to mention a really amazing coincidence that occurred today. AC had story time and Mom had really wanted to look at books, which is hard to do with AnnaClaire, so I said I'd go to story time with AC. Anyway, we sat by a very sweet lady who appeared to have a daughter from China. I talked to her a little and Mia and AnnaClaire were just as sweet as could be with eachother. Mia is just a few months younger than AnnaClaire. So afterwards, I told mom that I thought I might've found a friend for her. (You see, Mom has lots of online friends, but all her good friends here have older kids... not 2 and 1 year olds!) Anyway, after chatting for awhile, Mia's mom said Mia was from Hunan. We were like, "Oh! So is AnnaClaire!" All excited that we had found another spicy girl, Mia's mom goes on to mention that Mia is from Chenzhou. WHAT? CHENZHOU? Yes, Mia and AnnaClaire are orphanage sisters and here we meet them and discover we live just 5 minutes away!!!!! "Sisters" all the way from across the world, meeting up in the public library at storytime, and discovering they live just minutes away from eachother. Okay... what are the odds of that? So there will definitely be some playdates between these two girls in the future! I still can't get over how amazing that is. I really, really can't.
Other than that, we are still on cloud 9 about getting Kate's referral. (She is pretty much definitely a Kate, by the way.) We are still enjoying telling everyone we see. I bring pictures everywhere and show them to everyone. Yes, I am very excited!
Oh that is too cute! Maura loved watching the movie :) !!! Maura enjoyed it... :)
we miss you!!
That is too cute!!! Kate is beautiful!! so is her Jie Jie!
how wild to find a Chenzhou sister at story time?! too cool!
Awww that video was too cute! AnnaClaire is going to be a great Jie Jie!
What an amazing story about meeting Mia! God never ceases to amaze me how He brings people together. Only God can design a meeting like that! Thanks for sharing! Oh and the video...adorable!
I was looking at your Chatty Sister's daughter, Shaoey and I noticed that they received their new referral the day after you. HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!?!?!
We're curious, do you forsee any problems with bonding with Kate since she's older than you possibly had with AnnaClaire? What are your plans to insure a quick, healthy, and emotionally complete bonding process?
Oh, wow! AnnaClaire is SOOOOO CUTE!!!! I absolutely LOVE the video of her!!! It is adorable! And also, she reminds me of Sarah Lu! ;) SOOOO CUTE!!!!!! =D
And, again, WOW! That is so awesome about meeting Mia from Chenzhou at story time!!! That is amazing!!!!
What an adorable little video! The honesty of kids. :o)
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