(In front of the DMV with my permit!)I got my permit today!! In NC, we can take drivers ed at 14.5 and get our permits at 15. I've been 15 for 3 months, but I took drivers ed late, so that's why I just now got it. I did behind the wheel last week and so I was able to go to the DMV for my permit today! Dad and I started the morning with breakfast at Chickfila, ran to the bank for my SS card and birth certifercate, ran to the school for my driver's eligibility certificate, and then went to the DMV! We got there an hour and a half after it opened, and surprisingly there wasn't all that long of a wait! (especially since it was a Monday!) For the 45 minutes we did wait, I just studied and stuff. I had to identify 12 signs some blank or some with words, do a vision test and then do the written test. I got a 100 on the signs and a 100 on the written!! So that was exciting! :) My behind the wheel teacher told us that 50% of people getting their permit fail the first time... So I was extremely nervous and had studied a good while this weekend, so I was really pleased to get a perfect score. We have to get an 80 or better (20 right out of 25) to pass. So anyway... I can now drive with Mom or Dad in the car! (I'm taking advantage of that and got to drive all around today!) And I have a really cute Vera Bradley case to hold my permit :)
I have lots of cute pictures of AC opening a package from a sweet friend (thanks, Meg!!!), so stay tuned for those. Plus I have a few quilt squares to post on the quilt blog. I'll try to do that tomorrow! Thanks to everyone who has sent them! We really appreciate it! If you would like to swap with us/send one and haven't already told me, please email me at emilyh331@gmail.com!! Thanks!
Oh man i am jeoulous! Haha! Working on drivers ed right now...eck.
congratulations!!! and perfect scores to boot -you rock!
I loved how at the end of the post you mentioned, "And I have cute Vera Bradley Case to hold my permit in!: That was so funny! :) Congratulations on the permit. :)
Im jealous to i can't dirve till 17 in PA.I turn 14 the 2nd so only 3 more years LOL
Congrats,super sweet
Congratulations, Emily!! So exciting! Be careful out there!
Congratulations!! You did GREAT!!
I remember that feeling well! You're going to be a great driver. Enjoy!!
How exciting! I just got mine on June 9th and am in driver's ed right now. I took it late, since I am already 16 and could have already had my license had I taken it sooner, but I didn't, so I'm doing it now. LOL I've been driving around everywhere lately with mine. Yours looks very different than ours here in IL- yours are much prettier! lol Congrats!
Yay! Congratulations! I have a Vera case to hold my license, too. :) Hehe.
Congrats Emily!!! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you on the road! Just kidding! A friend of mine said her daughter played with AC at your neighborhood the other day! She said she rememebered her from our yard sale last year! Small world!!!
I just got mine about a month ago. In Iowa you can get it at 14 w/out drivers ed.
Congratulations sweetie! I am so proud of you!
Congratulations on your driving permit.
Congrats on your Permit. I would love to send Kate a quilt sqaure. Please e-mail me khswales@comcast.net with your address. Also, I am collecting for Kate Emerson's quilt too.
Emily -
I came across your blog from someone elses, and thought "she looks familiar". I realized, once I saw Anna Claire, that I used to follow your blog back when you were waiting and traveling for her! We were early in our adoption, having a LID of 8/06 and then switching to our agency's SN program two months later. We brought home our Lainey in February of this year! CONGRATS on adopting again, Kate is adorable!
Check us out at www.handsful.com. Oh...and congrats on that permit!
Donna (by the way, I'm from Raleigh, NC!)
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