Thursday, August 28, 2008

Miraculous (God story part 2)

I had a 3 part "God Story" story that I was going to do. Well, today the 3 parts increased to 4. I'm putting this one ahead of the other two because it is weighing on my heart to share... and since we just heard about this today, I wanted to share is now. First of all, I want to mention that I hesitated sharing the early on pictures of Kate, where her angioma is VERY large. I have gotten over that. Her angioma makes her who she is... that is how she is ours. If she did not have that, she would not have been on the SN list and wouldn't be our Kate. I have gotten over that hesitation because I think she has the most incredible story and I just want to share it so badly. I also want to share what a MIRACLE she really is... So, here it goes.

We have a sweet agency friend, Susannah's Mommy, who I have mentioned before on the blog. About a week ago, she mentioned that her friend's daughter is at PHF RIGHT NOW. She was there last year, and went back in May to be there for the summer. She will be there until October, so hopefully we will be able to meet her while we are there. Anyway. She told us that she thought she might have a picture of Kate from this woman and wanted to share it with us. Susannah's mommy also said that her friend's daughter had a blog and might have some videos/pictures with Kate in them. Sure enough, she was in some of the videos. Okay... so today she emailed us and told us that she had talked to them and was POSITIVE that the baby was Kate. You see, Tabitha sent out a postcard when she was support-raising for her second trip to China. On the front of the postcard (at the top of this page) there were four pictures... of four of the children who had touched her. Read this:

I have kept this postcard by my desk and have prayed for these children each time I looked over at it. Janet told me that Tabitha picked these four photos b/c these children pulled at her heart extra and that when she left China after her first trip there, she just wanted to take these four home.

Susannah's Mommy sent me these pictures of the picture by her computer :)

She also mentioned that Tabitha spent tons of time with Kate and has lots of video and pictures of her!!!

I am in awe of God! How awesome is He? She went on to say that because of Kate's cheek, she was considered to be a child who might never be adopted. I just cannot get over that. It tugs at my heart that her outward appearance could've made her "unadoptable." Yes, in the worlds eyes, she is flawed. However, in God's eyes, she is perfect... and lets think whose eyes are more important! :)

And so you get a taste of the miracle... look at this recent picture of our precious girl. You would NEVER EVEN KNOW that it is the same child if I hadn't said so. IS HE AN AWESOME GOD OR WHAT? He can do anything. Over and over again, He keeps revealing himself to me. I am just amazed at what an awesome God we serve!

1 comment:

Lexie said...

Wow, Wow, Wow!! God is GREAT!

She was such a sweet baby...even with the puffy cheek...everything about her is just SO PRECIOUS! Who wouldn't fall in love with that sweet face!?