Sweet friends Mia and AnnaClaire! (Not only friends... also "sisters!" Chenzhou sisters, that is!)

How tall this fall?

Remember this from last year's apple picking? How much she has GROWN in just a year!

After hearing the Johnny Appleseed story, the girls got to stuff and make a scarecrow!

AnnaClaire loved running around to find hay!

They made a BIGGG scarecrow with all their stuffing!

AnnaClaire loved playing in the hay!

Mia loved the dried apple snack!

Lunch time! Apple sippers filled with delicious apple cider were the drink! Both girls LOVED them.

AnnaClaire not only drank hers all gone, but also half of Moms!

Beautiful Mia running around the orchard

The little girls loved picking their apples! Aren't they cute looking at the bags of them?

This is a "kid" orchard and although they have lots of apple trees, you pick the apples from a big, wooden crate. It was perfect for the little girls because there were lots of activities and they could reach the apples to pick!

The girls made great friends with one of the ladies who runs the orchard's daughter!

Mia with her apples

The tractor hay ride was also a big hit of the day! What a fun day we had! Thanks for the fun day, Mia and Mrs. L! Can't wait until next time!
I found your blog via Leslie's. You have a beautiful Anna Claire and I have a cutie Hannah Claire. :)
Oh what fun! Can you please send some of your "fall" weather down to Florida? We're still very hot. We're ready for a break from the heat. LOL
Mrs. Debbie
Looks like you all had such a fun day! I remember going there with Christopher's 1st grade class for a field trip several years ago. Such a fun place!
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