Be sure to check below as I have a long, detailed, recount of our Labor Day weekend along with lots of pictures! I did forget to mention that last night, we went to ice cream and saw a family we have met before. They have an adorable little 4 year old girl, Chloe, who is from Hunan, just like AnnaClaire! AC and Chloe had a BLAST playing... to the point of AnnaClaire wanting me to hold her ice cream while she played. That does not happen very often! They were sad to leave, but left with hugs and kisses. We also found out that Chloe's dad and our dad work together! Small world! We will have to get the girls together sometime, as they had a BLAST. There were lots of giggles and smiles! :)
Day 82 and no news on LOA. We were really hoping to hear something today. In fact, I was sure we would hear something today. Dad even had a dream of us getting it! There's still hope for tomorrow or Friday. HOPEFULLY we will not have to go through another weekend with no news. The weekend get harder and harder every day that passes. Actually, not just the weekends.. every single DAY is so hard. 82 days is a long time. We are nearing three months. I can only hope our LOA will be here and back to China when we hit the three month mark.
No LOA, but we did get some new pictures. Tabitha (who I mentioned a few posts back) was in China in 2007 and is back now. The first picture is recent, taken sometime between May and now. The second is older, taken sometime last year. There were two others as well!! We are loving all this info on our girl. We now have over 40 pictures of her! AMAZING for a China adoption! Thanks Tabitha and Leah for all your help in getting us in touch with our beautiful girl!
So that's about it. Hopefully I will have some LOA news to report tomorrow or Friday!!

I wish i could say that i knew exactly what you are going through...but I wont say that because we are about 25 days behind you. I am praying for you Emily! I AM PRAYING FOR LOA FOR US THIS WEEK TOO! I know it is nearly impossible...but I am already feeling like I will be disappointed if we don't get it. Oh the wait!
Hi Emily,
I found a blog of another family who just received a sn referral. Their baby girl is also staying at PHF! I thought it would be cool for you guys to connect because I know this is not too common.
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