the above pictures were all taken on December 11, 2006... AnnaClaire's forever family day!After school today, I was talking to AnnaClaire and I said to her, "What would I do if I didn't have my Anna-booie?" She looked right at me and in her adorable, almost-four-year-old voice, said, "You would cry and then you would pray to God... just like Hannah did!" I looked at her and I couldn't even find the words to say back to her.
I thought back to those years ago when we stepped out in FAITH, praying for a baby girl... And how the following verse became so near to my heart: "I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him." (1 Samuel 1:27) Nearly 4 years after that initial calling, here my precious little sister is, telling me, in her own words, about this verse that defined her adoption.
First of all, I want to say... she never stops amazing me. The things she understands at her young age... The other day, she was telling me about how Jesus is going to come back and bring everyone to Heaven to live with Him and to see grandpa! Then today's Hannah and Samuel recap... she is truly a special child.
And I look at her young understanding of Jesus and all I can think is... she might've never known Him and His love of her. She could've been at an orphanage in China, still, about to celebrate her 4th birthday, alone. She might've never known the absolute adoration that her Heavenly Father has of her.
But that's not all... We could've missed this. We could've missed out on the most amazing, miraculous experience that I have experienced... the MIRACLE of adoption. I might've missed seeing the face of Jesus through these girls, who were once orphans, and are now completely and full of LIFE and LOVE and JESUS.
As she said these few words to me, I couldn't help but think back to that day, almost 3 years ago, when she was placed in our arms. We were watching her gotcha video the other day, and I just gazed in amazement of what God has done in her life since the day that we recived her. How He has worked and healed her young little heart. How he has given her JOY, HOPE, and a new life! How He has continuously shown that HE is in charge and that HE loves and that HE repairs the broken hearted!
There is no doubt in my mind that God perfectly planned her life long before she was born. There was no mistake in her birth and her adoption. She was born to be a part of our family and to witness to people all around us how MIRACULOUS our God is.
We could've missed this.
Yet, God heard our cries... and He answered our prayers. And it's all because of HIM that I have my sweet Anna-booie. And my beautiful Katie Cakers, too.
And so I ask you... what are YOU missing out on? I think that most people who read my blog have adopted/are adopting. But maybe you have had adoption on your mind for years... or months... or days... and something is holding you back. I am here to tell you, that if HE is calling you, GO. It's a long, draining process. It's not for everyone. But as a sister to two (almost three!) little ones adopted from China, I am here to say that if you just trust Him, He will show that He is faithful. He will take care of all your worries and roadblocks. And I promise... He will change your life through the miracle of adoption.
We could've missed this.
Praise JESUS that we did not.