Our tiniest little princess became... OURS! What an eleven months it has been. We watched her gotcha video the other night and I felt the same way that I mentioned last night about watching AC's video. Eleven months ago, we were handed a screaming toddler, a toddler whose world was falling apart right then and there. Every
thing she knew was gone. Every
one she knew was gone. She was all of a sudden surrounded by 4 grown Americans, who looked nothing like her and spoke in words she didn't understand, as well as a little Chinese girl who SO wanted to love on her, but also didn't speak her language. Her world shattered and her hurt was so very obvious. She was shut down. She wouldn't say a word. She just stared at us with this glazed over look. She wouldn't eat. She would shaker her head if anyone offered to hold her. I look back at the past 11 months and I stand amazed at what God has done in her little life. He has repaired her broken heart. He has allowed her to trust us as her FAMILY. He has allowed her to accept our love and love in return. He has worked a miracle in her sweet little life. I watched her today, running around in her Snow*White outfit, dancing with her sister, who she initially had such trouble learning to love, laughing, smiling, jumping... Praise God for the MIRACLE of adoption! Praise God for our sweet Kate and the 11 months that she has been a part of our family!
God sure works miracles in the lives of these children and in the lives of the families!! Praise God for Kate- what a cutie she is!
Welcome to your Happily Ever After Snow White Kate!
Praise God for the miracle of adoption and what it has done for all our lives. Precious Kate looks adorable in her Snow White costume!!
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