Our I800 was approved today! Praise God! One step closer to this sweet little guy... It should come in the mail next week, but we are officially waiting for everything to be cabled to the US Consulate, then a letter from the Nation*al Vi*sa Center, then our Article 5 from the US Consulate, and finally our TA! Sounds like a lot, but for now, we are rejoicing in the fact that we are ONE STEP CLOSER!
I'm just ready to be done with this process and have our sweet Charlie! I am so done with this "Hague Plague" as it is often called. It's been over 7 months since we first saw his sweet face for the first time... and still we wait.
BUT, we are ONE STEP CLOSER, and for that, I am happy today. Please continue to pray with us that everything else would come quickly. My spring break is April 2-9, and for many reasons, it would be EXTREMELY perfect for our travel to overlap with those dates. Lets just say I have AP exams starting in the beginning of May, and you all know how badly I want to be in China. PLEASE pray along with us. Plus, the faster we get Charlie home, the faster his big sister comes home.
And speaking of Miss Grace, our I800a receipt (completely different from the I800) for her came today! One small step closer in that direction, too. Our dossier should definitely be ready to send once we go to China for Charlie!
And still, the verse that got me through the wait for Kate rings true...
"But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, be patient! For it will surely take place. It will not be late by a single day."
Habakkuk 2:3