Mom and the girlies are off to story time with Mia and Miss Tracy and I'm not working until 4, so I thought I'd take a minute to update all of you... I know it's been awhile since I've posted a true update on what's been going on here. So... here you go!
We are having a wonderful summer. Of course, it started great for me with two beach trips in one week :) It's been a little more low key since that, but still fun. I'm lifeguarding for our neighborhood pool and have been working a LOT. In fact, this week, I'm working over 40 hours.
I've grown up at this pool and have known all the other guards since we were little, so it's a very fun job and I love all the people I work with. Other exciting things going on for me... I get my license in TWELVE days (finally!!!) and I leave for China in under a month! (July 14) So very excited about that :)
The boys... Drew is working as a teller and so between that and going out with friends, he hasn't been home much this summer. He is almost always home for dinner, so we have had lots of family dinners, which is nice. Next month, he is moving into an apartment near UNC Ch*arlotte, where he is transferring to. Will is at orientation for Bay*lor right now and is excited to be starting there in the fall!
Mom and Dad are pretty much the same as always. Dad is busy working, but at the end of a long day, always has time to snuggle his two littlest girls and bathe them. Mom just loves (well most of the time ;)) having TWO little girls home this summer to tote around. Mom and Dad took the little girls (the rest of us were working!) to the mountains last week and they had a great time. I have some sweet pictures I'll post soon! They are also going to take the girls up to Gatlin*burg in July while I'm in China and Will is at a camp thing at Bay*lor.
And last but not least, the little girlies are loving summer! Kate isn't a huge fan of the pool, but we did get a little plastic pool which she likes. AnnaClaire lives for the pool. She could stay there every minute of every day and be happy. We got her a noodle and that is the new favorite pool toy. Her face just lights up when I tell her that I'm going to take her to the pool :) When it's not too hot, they enjoy going to the park and basically anything that Mom takes them to do. I pulled out my doll house for them and they love playing with that, too. Kate got her summer do yesterday and it's really cute. We're growing AnnaClaire's hair out a little so that it is "long like Sissy's." (Not that long.) I love these two little girls so much and can't imagine what summer would look like without them!
How's your summer?