After waking up and having a delicious pancake breakfast, we packed up the wagons, strollers, and bikes and walked a few blocks down to the beach.

We were quite the site walking down the streets of SL! There were 17 of us total!

AnnaClaire just lit up at the sight of the beach! She's quite the beach girl, that is for sure!

Love little ones from the back :)

Kate was a little more apprehensive, but did like walking in the sand!

It was chilly out, because of the rain on Friday. So, so different from the beaches here in June!

The girls were all really brave. If only you knew how cold that water was. My feet were numb after a few seconds! They loved it though!

Mia, Emily, and AnnaClaire jumping over waves

Three sweet friends in the waves!

Grace helping Lucy, AC, and Mia make a sand castle. The sand was a big hit for all the little girls!

Kate, Emily, and AnnaClaire all had the same bathingsuit (from Mini Bo*den!)

Here's all the China girlies... Kate, Claire, AnnaClaire, Lucy, Shaungshaung/Grace, Shaoey, Mia, and Emily on the beach! What a site we were :)

Sweet sisters in the sand...

A few of the girls were just begging to be buried! I buried Emily and AnnaClaire with mermaid tales! They just thought that was the coolest thing ever!

AnnaClaire and Shaoey gave eachother rides on the boogie board...

AnnaClaire and Claire running away from the waves.. look at the joy on their faces:)

AnnaClaire, Grace, Laura, and I went on a walk to look for seashells. AnnaClaire loved finding shells!

Grace, AC, and Laura taking a water break

AnnaClaire found lots of pretty shells on the walk!

Kate and Mom went back to the house early because Kate was in desperate need of a nap, so Claire rode with AC on the walk home. It was so funny to hear their 3/4 year old conversation!

All the girls were wiped and a few fell asleep. We got a good laugh over how completely OUT SS and Shoaey were!

The two Emilys at the boardwalk!

AC, Lucy, and Mia could hardly stand waiting for the elephant ride, the first ride of the night!

One of my favorite pictures from the weekend... AC and Lucy (Chenzhou sisters!) riding the elephants :) AC called Lucy her "riding buddy" the entire night. They rode almost every ride together!

Lucy and AC again! Last year AnnaClaire screamed on the one ride she went on. This year, she was completely into them!

Grace, AC, Emily, and Lucy on the helicopters!

Claire, Mia, Lucy, and AnnaClaire riding the alligators, another favorite of the night.

The 8 little girls with their zeppolies, a must have in NJ! They are soooo good :) just think... fried dough balls with powdered sugar.

We have looked forward to zeppolies since last year... AnnaClaire loved them, too!

Laura, Mom (Pam), Claire, Charlene, Nichole, and Keri! 6 of the chatty girls!

Me and Booie at the Boardwalk. She talked about how much fun she had all night long and begged to go back the next day. She just had the best time.

Lucy, Emily, and AnnaClaire were the only three to go on every ride. They had an absolute ball! Here they are on the boat ride!

AC riding "Dori" on the fish ride!

Kate only rode the train and the merry-go-round, but she loved every second of both. She was so cute on the train... waving and smiling to EVERYONE.

one last picture of the night... me, AC, and Emily on the train! We had so much fun on the boardwalk... can't wait for next year!
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