Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Works for Us~

OK, not sure how all you home school moms and other busy moms get to your blogging.  By the time the evening comes and the kids are tucked in, I am just wiped, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to get myself to the computer to make a coherent post.  I spoke with Emily earlier this evening and she told me she keeps checking the blog to see photos of her siblings, and that her mother has been a slacker!  So here you are, daughter of mine, a photo of Gracie!  Who by the way, does still wear contacts.  But, she came to me yesterday and told me she was putting her last pair in and needed more.  Well, now she's learned that I need about a weeks notice to get her new ones ordered.  She's not so happy to be back in glasses, but I am SURE she'll be giving me a heads up before she runs out the next time. :)

Anyway, in a past post, I showed Charlie with the math curriculum that, so far, is working well for AnnaClaire, Charlie and Kate.  And now I want to share the math that has been working very well for Grace.  And that is Teaching Textbooks. For Grace's math her first year home, when her English was very limited, I used THIS site and it did the trick to keep her practicing her basic math skills.  She also learned to tell time on the round face clock that year, and I was able to generate worksheets for that from this site as well.  Starting Grace's 2nd year home, we began using Teaching Textbooks Grade 4.  Grace completed Grade 4 last year and also got a start on Grade 5, so she started this year not quite a 1/4 of the way into Grade 5.  I am hopeful that perhaps by the end of next year, she'll be up to grade level in her math.  We BOTH love Teaching Textbooks.  Both of us like the fact that it's done on the computer.  She enjoys  being able to do her lessons independently, and I LOVE that she can do them independently. She is also happy to be getting some extra computer time, since in our family we try to keep screen time fairly limited for the younger set. :)  All of the grading and record keeping is done by the computer, which is a HUGE help to me.  All of the teaching, practice problems, and tests are done on the computer, which I know Grace enjoys as much as I do. If a problem is missed, Grace is able to see a full explanation on how to correctly do the problem, and that has been quite helpful.  In the photo above, Grace is holding up the consumable workbook.  She does the problems in the workbook, and then transfers her answers to the computer.  But really, the workbook is not necessary to have, as it can all be done on the computer.  This curriculum has been a win/win for both of us, and a lifesaver for me!  Do I think this is the most challenging and rigorous math curriculum out there?  Absolutely not. If I had a very mathematically inclined student, I would probably not be using Teaching Textbooks.  I do believe though, that it is a very solid program, and it is just right for Grace. And for this home schooling mama as well!

Our fall activities are all back in full swing, and I'll need to post about some of those thing soon.  I also want to do more homeschooling posts on things that are working well for my students.  I know I always enjoy seeing what works for others.

Also, my laptop has crashed and died.  So now I'm typing on Emily's old one.  Which is MUCH older than my laptop was.  Go figure. So, I wanted to give you all an alert that I have lost my all my email addresses, as I can only access my emails online right now. If you do not hear from me, that's why!  I will have to wait to hear from you, to get you back in my address book.  So please drop me a line!


Jean said...

I completely understand about the posting. I love doing it- it's a record of our family and the fun and challenges we have. BUT I am also exhausted and it's hard to do at night. I am HSing all day. Sometimes I find time around 3:00-5:00

I LOVE hearing about your family!!

Go get a new computer for MOM!!

Wolfes Home said...

Keeping up with blogging is hard, but I guess it's just a habit of mine now. :) Glad to hear you have a math program that you are both happy with.

Catherine said...

Posting it tough for sure! Sometimes I do well and other times...well, not so much!

Glad to hear you have such a great math program that works for both you and Grace. That's key! I enjoy reading HS posts even though I'm not able to home school.

Off to drop you a quick email with my addy.

miss you!

babslb said...

I am a Fellow homeschooling/adoptive mom. Since you have more experience and knowledge of curriculums what would you suggest for a Math inclined 5th grader. Something that is challenging. My son did righstart math through 4th grade and is now doing teaching textbooks level 7. He doesn't think it is very challenging. Would love some recommendations.

Pam said...

Hi Stefanie,

Gosh, I don't know what I'd recommend. I just know that I agree with your son, that TT is just not all that challenging.

Do any of my readers have suggestions of what works well for your mathematically inclined 5th graders????

Leslie said...

Hi Stefanie!

Jacob's Math (have heard it is great for math inclined students)

YourTeacher.com (we did a free trial this summer throuh homeschool buyers co-op; it is really good; might be a good option b/c so many videos from middle to typical high school level)

Saxon--people love it or hate it; we have some used texts given to us; we supplement with it; they have a free placement t test on-line

Pam said...

Thanks, Leslie, for chiming in. As I was typing asking for help, I was hoping you'd respond!

I, too, have heard really good things about Jacob's.

Lisa said...

Hi Pam,
I love that you posted about home schooling! We hs as well and are in the process of adopting a 13 yr old boy. I plan to hs him and I'm having a hard time getting any information on curriculum for an older child adoption. I would love to hear the thoughts of someone with home schooling and adoption experience. Any suggestions or thoughts on a reading/phonics program? Advice or tips in general?

It has been a joy to watch your family grow ever since we were in an AWAA travel group together in 2006!


Pam said...

Hi Lisa,

I would love to email you. Can you leave me your email addy? I will not publish it.

Thanks, Pam