We have finally completed all of our homestudy visits! We should have out completed homestudy by Monday and then we can file for our i800! Right now, we're just thankful the homestudy is done... what a process that was.
And so... even if they are only baby steps, we are getting closer to meeting our precious little boy!
Wow! That is great news about the HS. And really it is BIG step b/c once that is done, you have collected most all of the dossier docs too! Hope you get your 797 in record time. Oh, how I would love to meet up in C town!!! We *hope* to be DTC next Friday, Sept. 11. It is the tentative plan, but the 797 that was supposedly mailed last Tuesday has STILL not arrived in our mailbox. :((( Hoping today, so I can get it state-sealed and sent to AW overnight on Monday!
Will you be going this time too Emily?
praise God!!! now praying He speeds up the I800 stuff and the rest of this process will be smooth sailing! :)
Congratulations! That's a huge step out of the way!
In Christ,
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli
pEvery little bit counts!! Congrats on being one step closer to Charlie!
PS Is Charlie from the shared list or from your agency?
Our girls are from our agency list- they told us we cannot get PA until we get C*S approval- argh, it feels so slow...
That is wonderful news! We're still waiting on our 797, so there's a chance we'll see you on the other side of the world again...
Charlie is from our agency's list. We received PA within a week of sending in LOI. So long before receiving C*S approval.
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