One year ago today, our littlest girl became a part of our family. The moments of that day will never escape my memory... it was far from perfect, yet somehow, it was perfect in every way. It was a Saturday morning, our first morning in Beijing. Our travel group was going to tour the Great Wall that morning, while we were off to receive our baby girl, who at the time we thought was the completion of our family. (Ohh how things change in one year!) Our guide, Maggie, came to get us from the hotel at 9am. Drew (he was studying abroad in Beijing at the time) had met us the night before and slept at our hotel, so we were all together and loaded into a van that Maggie had rented for us. We drove down to Philip Hayden, about a 45 minute drive. The emotions were high... I couldn't even sit still. After a few wrong turns, we finally arrived there! We dropped off some donations for all the kids and then Leah took us on a mini-tour of PHF, while we waited for a certain lady to come who was to oversee the gotcha moment. After playing with some of the orphans whom we had grown to love over the past few months, we headed back to a big conference room at the front of the village. Leah told us a bit about Kate, and how she was VERY afraid of strangers. Before we knew it, a nanny was walking in, holding our precious, tiny, 19 month old girl... She was so perfect... The nanny brought her over to Mom, and as Kate shook her head no and started screaming, Mom held her for the first time. Kate screamed and screamed. The sweetest part of the moment came when Mom kneeled down and AnnaClaire came over and gave Kate and M&M. She stopped crying immediately, just chewing her M&M and looking at her big sister.

But she has grown in so many other ways. She is no longer scared, somber, and afraid. She is now just beaming with joy. She has the biggest smile (and the sweetest little dimple...) She is running around, so full of personality! A personality I never would've expected when we met her a year ago today. She has the most precious little laugh and is constantly talking with her sweet little 2.5 year old words. It took her months to build trust and to overcome her grief, but I would say she has. She is still shy with strangers, but with those she knows... oh. my. goodness. I praise God for what he has done in her little life in just one year... I praise God for the miracle of adoption... And I praise Him for placing her perfectly into our family.

In honor of Kate's 1st Forever Family Day, I put together a video all about her... starting with the day she was born. It's kind of long, although considering it's 31 months of her life summed up into 13 minutes of a video, it really is kind of short. I hope you will watch it. It's firsthand the MIRACLE of adoption... The MIRACLE of Kate! (Turn your volume up... there's music and some video clips)

Happy Forever Family Day, Kate! I love you so much! Can't wait to celebrate with a Great Wall of Chocolate at PF Cha*ngs and a little present later... I love you sweet girl and am so thankful that God so perfectly brought our lives together one year ago today... Love FOREVER, Sissy
LOVE it! Video made me cry! (: You did an awesome job on it!
I cannot believe it's been a whole year!! Happy Forever Family Day Miss Kate! :)
Sooooo beautiful!!
Beautiful!! What a great video Emily!
Happy 1 year Family Day! It's wonderful to see how God has caused your sweet Kate to open up to you as a family and how you give Him all the glory!
God is SO good! You're an amazing Sissy Emily and your sisters are blessed to have you as an amazing role model of Him!
I love the scriptures on the video! And it's so awesome to see how Kate has changed...praise GOD! Happy 1 year Forever Family Day to you all!
Happy Family day, sweet Kate :)
Wow! Absolutely beautiful Emily! It felt like I was reliving your travel journal and crying like I did then! You're spot on, adoption is a miracle! I'm so ready to do it again! What a precious treasure you've made.
Such a beautiful video tribute to show your love for your sisters and family. What a treasure you are to them all. Thank you for sharing those precious memories.
Hugs from our home to yours,
Fellow PHF family
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli
Great Video Emily!
Happy Anniversary. Kate is growing into a very beautiful little girl. Your family is very precious!
Love, Mrs Debbie
The change in her demeanor in that one year is amazing. Praise God for the His redemptive love and the joy of a family!
And it is so hard to believe that a year has passed since the rest of us in the travel group got to meet little Kate.
I cried too. You are so blessed to have these dear little girls. May God continue to bless your family.
What a beautiful gift you've made for your sister. After 5 years, I thought I'd built up an immunity to weeping during adoption videos... nope. I was bawling during Kate's gotcha moment. It is evident that your family are vessels of God's grace and love! -Andrea (AWAA)
Love it! SO perfect!!
And wow, cutest pictures ever?! SOOO adorable!! What gorgeous girls!!
Happy 1 year with Kate! And Happy 4th Birthday today to AnnaClaire!!! Absolutely cannot believe she is that big already! Wow!! Love ya guys! :)
Well I needed a GOOD cry!
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