After thinking that we had less than a week until our Article 5 would be ready and that we could have TA at the end of March/early April, we just found out that our paperwork actually didn't end up getting to the Consulate until yesterday, and our Article 5 won't be ready until March 25. Our agency feels terrible, as it was a misunderstanding with their contact who drops everything off. It's not their fault, as they had even told us it was all there and our Article 5 would be ready on 3/18. It was just as much a surprise to them as to us. However, disappointed would be an understatement... trying to trust what in the world God is doing with all of this and why we have had so many setbacks. I have to be honest and say that I don't understand what good is coming out of it, but I just have to trust that God knows what He's doing. March 25 will be 2 months from LOA, 1 month from being cabled. I have three AP exams that are a requirement to pass the classes, starting at the beginning of May, so pray that SOMEHOW God will make a way for us to leave on the April 16th!
Moving on and clinging to His promises...
Praying that God works out the details for your sweet family.
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and Elijah
Praying for all of you and your sweet boy too.
I'm sorry, Horner Fam, the devastating delays we experienced with Luke are still very fresh in my heart and mind. Continuing to pray BOTH of your sweet kiddos HOME. Agreeing with you on the dates, Em!!! Love and hugs, Amy
I really, really hate this. It makes me so sad. So sorry. :(
I am so sorry Emily. I know nothing else I say is going to soothe the hurt right now. You know we sent our LOI for Joel same day as your family did for Charlie. I feel my heart is tearing in two.
I am so sorry. We will get to our boys. God is able Emily.
Like I told another friend recently, right at these moments are when God's promises feel the most real. You have two choices: run to Him as fast as you can or run away from Him. Either way though, He'll catch you b/c He can run faster than us!
Jeremiah 29:11 "'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. plans to give you a hope an a future.'"
I know what it feels like. They told us that we were going to travel to China to adopt my sister in 3 weeks. Then, our paperwork expired, and we had to wait 3 months. But it was worth it. We got placed with some of the most amazing families in our travel group, and my sister had more time to prepare for us coming (she was adopted at an older age). The time will come soon, and it will totally have been worth the wait. Just lean on God :)
That stinks, I am so sorry. Praying for things to move faster!
Just loving waiting with you in these setbacks (with major sarcasm). Hoping and praying also for a speady TA for us both after our much awaited, long overdue Article 5 comes!
i'm sorry for yet another set-back.praying somehow things speed up and you'll be in China VERY soon!
Trust in him! Hold onto his perfect timing... not our timing. God has a reason, a purpose for all this and what is so wonderful is that sometime in the future you will let us know!!
Looking forward to finding out!
Sweet H family,
I so understand and relate with frustrations over setbacks. Trust me, I first had Darcy's file exactly eleven months before I met her. And that time was filled with one frustrating delay after another. I'm in prayer that things move smoothly from here on and that dates are not an issue.
So sorry..... hang in there! Can't wait to hear some good new.
I know how extremely frusting and upsetting this set back must be, and yes, it is hard, on this side of heaven to understand what possible good could be in waiting longer. But as with every journey to China your family has taken, God has ordained each step of this process. While this was a surprise to your agency and your family, it is not a surprise to All Mighty God. Know that while you wait, God has Charlie in the palm of His hand. I know you want him home now and I am so sad for you family that you will continue to wait. We are praying for you and Charlie! Love to your family!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We are right beside you in the process. We are with Madison as well and we sent our dossier to Madison today. Very exciting! :) Our blog is, www.leeseadoptionadventure.blogspot.com
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