We sent Grace a Chinese New Year package through
Ann of Red Threads about 2 weeks ago. We were thinking we weren't going to get any pictures back, but today, Ann emailed us ELEVEN (although some are cropped versions) new pictures of our girl!!!!!!!! And a short email that not only said that she is a happy girl, but also said SHE IS BEING PREPARED FOR HER ADOPTION!!! It's so amazing to have pictures of her reading our letter and looking at pictures of HER family! Oh and to top it all off... we also got 2 pictures of her with her foster mother!!!!!!!! So amazing to have.
We are excited, to say the least :)
Mom emailed the pictures to our *wonderful* agency, and they were so excited to see her, too. Sara replied, "We will get you there as FAST as we can!" Sounds good to me! :)
Thank you, LORD!!!
Those pictues are priceless. So excited for you all. Now maybe our NVC letters for your Charlie and our Joy will come today!!!
I am so happy for you and Grace!!! Praise the Lord that she will have such a lovely family to call her own!
That is so cool! Thank you for sharing these pics of her! She is such a beautiful little girl!!
This warms my heart!! I love our God! He is so good!!
I am so excited for you!!! She is beautiful!
what an absolute blessing. Grace is so beautiful, I am so happy for your wonderful family!
Oh my goodness, I just LOVE her! SO excited for you guys!
And would you please give the link for your wonderful agency?
Love, Kim
She is beautiful and I am so happy to hear that she is being prepared! How wonderful those updates are as we wait ... our hearts need those. I am happy for you guys that you continue to get to "see" her!
Her smile is infectous, it makes my heart sing! Can't wait to see it in person! I know how much those updates and precious pictures mean to you while you are waiting! So happy for your family!
Cried over this..........such a wonderful thing that you get to see her face as she learns of you all and can tangibly see the love being sent to her through your little gifts. How incredible....what a moment this will be when she meets you face-to-face! SO, SO happy for you all!!!!!
What a sweet post! She looks like one happy girl!
i'm in tears. it's exciting to watch an older child go through this process who can comprehend what is happening. that has blessed my day!
How wonderful for your family! She looks very happy with the news! What a beautiful smile!
What an unexpected blessing! She looks so happy and oh, what a cutie. Yes, Lord hurry that sweet girl on over to her awaiting family.
I think you got another one that loves the camera! She has the BEST smile! Love, love, love, these pictures!!!!! Such a lovely addition to your family!
She is soooo beautiful!! Her smile!!!! Oh wow!!
Praying for Grace!
I love reading your blog Emily. Whenever I need to see amazing things God is doing.. I can just come to your blog and read. :0) Thanks for sharing your faith and your blessings!
oh goodness!!!! praising God with you! what a wonderful blessing to have so many pics of her. She is just precious and can't wait to see her actually looking at you guys in person...not just at your pic.
adore these pictures! such a sweet sweet girl!
WOW!!!! I have chills! I have another blog pulled up and the song playing on their blog is "I saw God today" (by George Straight) and I have to tell you - it fits!!!! That's how I feel by seeing these pictures of Grace today!!!!
He is so good.
Grace is beautiful.
Praying for her foster family today as well. They are counting down the days too, in a very different way.
Love the pictures!
And how wonderful that she is being prepared! I can't wait to be reading about that journey!
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