We are fairly certain that our Article 5 was picked up today... which means that we are ONE step away from meeting

It has been over 10 months since we first saw Charlie...
It has been almost 6 months since we first saw Grace...
It has been almost 4 months since we received Charlie's LOA...
It has been almost 2 months since we received Grace's LOA...
And FINALLY, we are ONE step away from finally going to China!
Oh I just hope that we have the fastest TAs EVER...
Hoping and Praying for your quick TA's!!! Can't wait to follow along for a 3rd/4th time :) it is so exciting to see another child be brought home into your loving family.
Congrats!! Ours came today, too! WooHoo! So, so close! I hope we see you in China, although we may travel later than you- we'll see!
Oh - that gave me chills to read your post today! We are so excited for you all!
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and Elijah
Prayin with ya!! REALLY FAST TA's
Yahoo! So excited for you all! Can't wait to see your TA post! Come on TA!!!!!
Wonderful news!!!!! So excited for your family!!!! Can't wait to meet Charlie and Grace! We will be praying for super fast, lightening speed, TA's!!!!
praying you are the fastest TA too! Congrats on being one step closer. :)
Congrats. I was going to say a friend of ours got their TA (I see she already told you..) today.
US too, US too!!!!
BRING on the TAs.
Please tell me y'all can leave before us so that we meet in Chongqing. If not there, we absolutely have to catch up in GUZ!
SOOO excited for you guys...... but you already know that..... can't wait can't wait to follow the journey again. Love Dawn
Oh that is wonderful news indeed! Praying that those TAs will get here so fast that you are left speechless!
Did it get picked up and how do you know for sure? Mine was suppose to come today, but haven't got a reply to my email.
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