For a month now, we have enjoyed this precious girl more than words can express. She has gone through such a transformation during this month we have had together. The screaming baby that we first came to know and love has become a girl of many smiles, laughs, giggles, and squinty eyes. The somber and reserved look we constantly saw on her beautiful face has been replaced with cheesy grin and a glow in her precious, black eyes. She is no longer worried and scared. She is HAPPY. She loves everyone in the family and is becoming more outgoing with those around her, too. (And yes, she has her fair share of whining, too, but only because she LOVES to be held and therefore does not love to be set down!) She is a JOY and her JOY is apparent on her sweet face. What a long way she has come in just a month!
I love you sweet Katherine MeiLing! We have loved every minute of our first month with you! :)
what a sweet post...and even sweeter "then and now" pics.
Oh, sweet baby! 1 month! Wow! God is amazing...
Have you seen Twilight, Emily? I heard it was good and I was wondering if you'd seen it. I know you liked Parry Potter.
Have you seen Twilight, Emily? I heard it was good and I was wondering if you'd seen it. I know you liked Parry Potter.
She is a cutie! I love the polka dot dress--too cute. The then & now pics are amazing. She looks so happy!
She has really come a long, long way! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
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