Over all, we had a very good Thanksgiving. It was just nice being home and relaxing all day. I did my contribution to the feast by baking the pie the night before Thanksgiving. I enjoyed watching the Macy's Day Parade with AC in the morning and also read the New Moon, because I am overly addicted to the Twilight series. (The movie was really good, too, although had a lot of differences from the book.) I actually started and finished the second one yesterday and am almost done with the third, which I started today. Of course, Thanksgiving football was a highlight, too, even if all of the games were terrible (and broke records for worse Thanksgiving loses- Lions.)

Anyway, back to the Macy's Day Parade. AnnaClaire loved it. She kept talking/asking all about the parade and she and Kate were dancing to the music- very cute. AnnaClaire spent the rest of her morning helping Grandma make the stuffing. She considered her job very important and made some delicious stuffing. She had a blast standing at the counter helping grandma.

After a fairly relaxing morning, Dad and Grandma took the little girls to the park. Mom and Grandma worked the rest of the day preparing our amazing dinner, which consisted of turkey, corn pudding, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and green bean casserole. And of course my pumpkin pie. It was all delicious and we enjoyed some family time, although it was very different -weird- without Drew this year.

I'm so glad Kate was home to enjoy the holiday with us, even her Thanksgiving dinner consisted of two eggs. It's also extremely hard to believe that this was only AnnaClaire's second Thanksgiving with us. Thanksgiving of 06 was three days after we received our TA and 2 weeks before we went to China. It was definitely so nice having our TWO precious little ones sitting around the dining room table with us :)

So we had a very good Thanksgiving. Just a nice, relaxing day spent at home, but fun. We ended it watching Texas absolutely destroy Texas A&M, which was a nice ending to a good day :)

One of my friends came over last night and we slept for a few hours before awaking at 3 and getting picked up by another friend's mom, and all 6 of us headed to the mall. I still don't know how I even woke up. I remember barely anything about that hour this morning. We all had fun and it was definitely an experience, although I didn't really buy much and I was quite unimpressed with the sales. We ended up getting back around 7 and I was asleep shortly after. AnnaClaire did come wake me up right before 10 and Grandma, Mom, AC, Kate, and I headed to a different mall for more shopping. We had a good time and we didn't buy too much. Actually, you should be proud because we didn't even go into Gymboree, although it was 25% off the entire store. We ended the time with Chickfila, which tasted so good. We ran into
Maggie and her family on the way out and enjoyed seeing them again. AnnaClaire was so happy to see her sweet friend Maggie. I think they are going to have another play date soon.

Oh and I cannot forget to mention... Kate has sat... and has LAUGHED in her bath the past two nights, even when she was getting her hair rinsed. This is a HUGE accomplishment because for the past 3 weeks, all we have heard when she was getting bathed were screams coming from her.
So it was a good Thanksgiving and a good Black Friday. Tomorrow we are heading up to the mountains to get a Christmas tree :)
Loved the run down of y'alls relaxing Thanksgiving! I love seeing that baby girl SMILING in the bathtub!
Oh, and i saw twighlight the movie...never did read the books (I know...i should!)...but loved the movie!!!!!
Looks like a wonderful weekend. I"m sure it wasn't quite the same without Drew, though.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Emily, love the pictures. sounds like everyone had a wonderful day which is how it should be. Kate is changing everyday and you can see it in the pictures. I'm so happy for your family too as you have both your sweet girls home. Sad on the other hand that your brother wasn't able to be there for Thanksgiving this year but I'm certain he was there in spirit. :0)
LOVE the Texas outfit. We watched that very game and were rooting your team on. :0)
Emily, I haven't been to your blog in FOREVER, but I am so glad to see Kate is home and doing well! She and AnnaClaire look so cute together!
Great photos. I am sure it was bittersweet having Miss Kate home but not having your big brother there. Hope he can come home for Christmas?
Oh and GO TITANS!!!
Love the picture of AC & her "horns". We love Texas football also! Well really anything to do with UT.
Glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving. Your sisters are precious!
Hook'em Horns-
The Vinyards
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