But I thought these pictures were well deserving of an interruption...
In case you didn't know, today was "Cow App*reciation Day" at Chick*fila! I'm sure if you have followed my blog for even a couple of days, you know we are HUGE Chick*fila fans... and so, I have worked on costumes, we found cow boots at Tar*get for $4 (and plus, the girls love to dress up in boots, so we didn't get them just for cow day!) All things said and done, we probably spent more on the outfits than we would've on the meal, but dressing up was the fun part. :) My friend and I dressed up, dressed the little girls up, put black face paint spots on, and went off this morning. The cow bells rang as we walked in and we all got free meals... free COMBO meals! It was sooo worth it. We had quite a few people taking pictures and were even declared the "best" dressed that they had seen all day. AnnaClaire was ALL over the cow. She loved it and walked around holding it's hand for soooo long. So different from the little thing that screamed out the site of anything big and dressed up when she was younger! Kate's starting to get over that phase... she does love the idea of the cow, but has to be held the minute it gets close! So anyway, it was a fun afternoon out! Plus, it was fun looking like a cow... and getting a completely free meal that would've cost close to $20 was pretty nice, too :)
Now that is fun! I considered trying to put cow outfits together for my kiddos, but somehow it slipped. AC and Kate are lucky to have you for fun adventures like cow appreciation day!
I remember seeing you do this other times. Fun!!
Now....let's get back to the matter at hand.
The anticipation is amazing but I sure would love to know the outcome!!
Oh my goodness, Em! SO cute!!! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to reading your next several posts. :-) Amy
Love the pics. Emily, you are an amazing big sis!
We LOVE CFA too, in fact we just had it for lunch...yummy.
oh my word! you guys crack me up!!! the girls look ADORABLE. :)
our CFA had free b'fast all last week -we were there a few of those days. we love CFA...especially when it's free!
Okay- you guys are adorable!! How fun!! I love your creativity and fun spirit!!
Blessings from MN,
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