our dossier was somewhere in between NC and Beijing (Alaska to be exact), on it's way to the CCAA. We thought we'd be getting a "healthy" baby and we thought we'd be waiting a year. And then, not even 3 weeks later, God surprised us... with our sweet AnnaClaire Chenhui. (we were logged in on 7/22/06... we'd still have many months to go.)
Two years ago on this day, we had had our sweet AnnaClaire for almost 7 months and were paperchasing for a little sister for her...
Last year on this day, we were a few weeks into the wait for LOA for our precious Katherine MeiLing.
And today...
well, that's a story for another day.
Can I just say....I LOVE your precious family and I LOVE how the Lord working in your lives!
That's not nice leaving folks hanging...
I can't wait to see the story revealed!
Are you going to be blogging during your trip to China next week?
Awe man!! Not fair! I want to hear how God is working in your precious family today!
What a precious family you have and it's a blessing for all of us to see how God is working in your family!
How cool that everything seems to happen on that day! Cannot wait to see how God continues to unfold your family's story! :)
Can you please tell your sweet Mama that she better not leave comments like she left on my blog!?! ;) Talk about leaving me hanging b/t that comment and now this post!!! Can't wait to hear that post for another day!
I didn't know you guys were LID the same day is me! 7-22-06 However, I am STILL waiting for my Maggie (NSN). I just want to say that I have been lurking on your site since you came home with your first little sister. You are an amazing big sister and young lady. God has blessed you with the gift of compassion, mercy and story telling. It is so refreshing to know that you are the future. Keep loving those little sisters of yours and say a prayer for my daughter to be when you get a chance. Take care Emily!
Tricia Thompson
Birmingham, AL
LID 7-22-06
Journey to Maggie, like an inchworm
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