I got to pray with my sweet, precious Anna-boo to ask Jesus into her heart tonight! My heart was bursting with joy as she asked me questions about Jesus and Heaven, and how to ask Him into her heart. I can honestly say that I have no greater joy than being a big sister, especially tonight. I just love AnnaClaire's childlike faith and understanding of Jesus... We could all learn so much from her!
Just had to post, as I don't ever want to forget tonight! (How could I?!) She may be young now, but I know that God has some awesome plans for her life. Just can't wait to watch her grow in her love of Him!
For now, I'm just cherishing the special time we had tonight with Jesus as we waited for Dad at the bus stop. I told her how happy Jesus was, and that he was probably celebrating in Heaven... she smiled :)
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14
I can see the angels dancing in heaven as they celebrate this special day..............and YES, Jesus is right there with them!
Oh Praise the Lord!! What a sweet moment for two sisters to share. Love it! Thanks for sharing.
praising God with y'all tonight! that is awesome. :)
What a blessing! God sure does have a wonderful plan for her! Thanks for sharing and give AnnaClaire lots of hugs and kisses!
Yes, I think they are jumping for joy in Heaven tonight!
Rejoicing with you and your family on such a special occasion!
Sweet night! A night to celebrate!
In Christ,
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for our Eli
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