I was very excited when I saw two comments telling me I had been awarded the Blogging with a Purpose award... from two of my favorite blogs! The things that both of these women had to say left me feeling very honored to recieve the award. I pretty much do this blog as a journal, but am glad that while it serves me it also serves others. Sure, sometimes I get rude comments that make me want to stop blogging, but it's things like this that make me keep going...
Delivered from Heaven said this: This blog is amazing! It's written by a 14 year old sister of a beautiful China doll named Anna Claire. Her family is now waiting to bring home yet another little one from China. Our Lord uses children in so many ways, and Emily is no exception. She is a shining example of a big sister, but what most moves me most is her true and genuine love for Jesus. She is open about her faith and her love for beautiful family, something that we do not often see from teenagers in our society now a days. Thank you, Emily!
Buckeyes in China said this: I love reading this teenagers view of adopting her little sister over a year ago and now waiting to adopt another. It's not very often you see a 14 year old who is so unselfish.
So thank you so much for those sweet comments about my blog. They really do mean a lot =]]
Now I am supposed to nominate 5 people for the award, people who haven't yet received it.
1.) Staci of When Love Takes You In and Journey 2 Sarah: Staci is one of the sweetest people I have met. We had the pleasure of traveling to China for our mei meis together back in '06. Since then we have kept in touch. AnnaClaire and Sarah Lu are good little friends, and are both getting a sister from China! Staci and her family recently excepted the referral of little Chayah Elizabeth and they will be bringing her home sometime this year! Staci is a faithful poster and takes the most beautiful pictures of little Sarah. You can tell her love for her sister, and I just love reading her blog for those reasons.
2.) Maggie's Mommy from Maggie's Red Thread: We have also had the pleasure of meeting this family and AnnaClaire and Maggie are just adorable together. I love Maggie's mommy's posts because she isn't afraid to be truthful. Little Maggie is too cute and her Mom is so sweet, too. They are also returning to China for a mei mei for Maggie, which is so exciting!
3.) Ana Claire's Mommy from Young Party of Five: This is another one of my favorite blogs. Ana Claire's mom takes gorgeous pictures and posts a lot! I can tell that she is really sweet, and a great mom, too. Her blog is just great and very interesting and uplifting and I just love it =].
4.) Holly of Holly's Mei Mei: Holly's blog is another one of my favorites. She is also a faithful poster and has tons of cute pictures to share of her precious mei mei, Grace. Being about the same age with same age sisters, I feel like I can relate to a lot of what she says. She posts beautifully and her blog is always a fun one to visit.
5.) Keara of Princess and the Pea: I love Keara's blog. They are another family we had the amazing experience of meeting in May. AnnaClaire's "twin", Maura is so sweet as is her family. Keara posts beautifully and although she doesn't have a ton of time to now, when she does they are long and full of pictures. She pours her heart into her posts. She also takes beautiful pictures of Miss Maura.
I totally meant what I said on my blog. It's not very often you see a teenage who is so unselfish. And, I agree with the other mom about a teen who shows her love for Christ so openly!! I'll have to go and check out your blog nominations
Thank you so much Emily!!!!! =D
I just found your blog by chance and was very interested from the start! You write so openly and I love how you express yourself. Your little sister is adorable and you are such a precious big sister to her. We have friends who recently came home with their little Emmy from China. She is 3 years old and is doing so good! She is just adorable. I have put your blog on my favorites list cause I love reading it. You are such a good example of Christ's love. Keep up the good work!
Brandi (from Florida)
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