Look at my beautiful sister.
My sister. Do you know how amazing it is to say that? I am completely convinced that I am the luckiest person alive. For the past almost 13 months, I have watched my beautiful girl grow up. When I was looking through pictures for the New Year's post, I was reminded what a far way she has come in this year. Everything about her. She is growing up so fast... too fast for her sissy's liking! Last year at this time, she was that sweet little baby, standing on the bench, all bundled up, smiling. She has come so far. Each and every day I find myself more and more in love with my precious Bu Bear. She really is just a joy. A joy to be with, a joy to be the sister of, a joy to think about, a joy to look at pictures of. Her smile lights up my life. Her big, cheesy, eye-squinty, smile. Her loving attitude... She cares so much about other people. She is the absolute sweetest thing. She has the most tender heart for a 2 year old. She is busy, busy... doesn't want anyone to have a break! She is a princess and she definitely knows it! I love how she gets your attention. She walks over and asks to hold hands (which of course I can never resist) she then brings you over to something and tells you to sit... sooner or later you are playing something with her and she is just laughing away as she enjoys the presence of whoever she's with. She's an absolute HAM, too. I just love her. Today we were getting out of the car and Mom and AC went to get the mail. I just watched as AnnaClaire ran down the driveway with Mom and looked up at Mom as she grabbed the mail, just chattering away. She sure loves to talk! She says anything and everything now. She doesn't miss a beat, either. We will be listening to music, and she will start saying what the song says! It's so funny when all of a sudden you hear her start singing along. Speaking of which, she LOVES to sing. I'm surprised how many songs she knows, too! She has the cutest little singing voice ever! I just can't believe how BLESSED I am to have AnnaClaire in my life... not just that, but to be her sister. Not many 14 year olds get the privilege of having a 2 year old sister! I am so blessed. I am so thankful for AnnaClaire and all she has given me. She truly has changed my life... for the better, and there is no doubt in my mind that I am the luckiest person alive.
I agree...you are def. one very lucky girl! AnnaClaire is also very blessed little girl to have a big sister that loves her as much as you do! God has blessed you Emily...don't ever lose sight of that! ~kt
That is just the sweetest thing
Lauren's Jie Jie
And loving every Minute of it
Great post! Your ARE very blessed to have her and she's very blessed to have you! God is so good, isn't He?
I just met Miss Sarah Grace Anderson this morning!!!!!!! She is the most absolute perfect baby for our family!!!!! Pics are on my blog!!
what a sweet post Emily! You need to print it out to give to AnnaClaire when she's older.
And she is one lucky little girl to have a big sister to love her so much. :)
Aww, you are the luckiest girl! I already feel like the luckiest girl just thinking about my Karleigh Mei...
Hi Emily! That is a sweet post to give to Anna Claire. I think it will really mean alot to her as she gets older!
Those cheeks! they are so rosy and cute!
She is such a little GIRL not a baby like I remember.
i'm sniffling...darn it!
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