We have had some gorgeous days lately and we are loving every minute of it! Just thought I would update with some recent pictures of the girlies... I love this one :) Kate loves for AnnaClaire to push her on the trike... it's even better than pedaling!

Of course, she does love to pedal, too. She adores riding her trike "like a big girl!"

AnnaClaire picked her car thing to ride on our walk... she zoomed down the hill on it!

AC before Church on Sunday... I love this dress :)

And Cakers, too. This was one of my all time favorite dresses on AC and now it fits Kate! So cute:)

Dad helped the girls make bird feeders the other day...

And on Sunday, we hung them for the birdies... the girls are standing under their feeders!

And finally, Dad and I went to the Qua*il Hol*low Champ*ionship today (one of the perks of Dad's job... free tickets every year! This year the tickets were good for the "exe*cutive tent... free food all day long on the most beautiful hole of the course!) Anyway, AnnaClaire really wanted us to bring home a golf ball for her... she was SO excited! As soon as we got home and gave her and Kate the golf balls, she went and found her little golf clubs and wanted to play golf with Daddy!
Hope you all are having a beautiful spring, too!
1 comment:
We are having an incredible spring, too! It is so joyful! We are loving every minute of it!
Those two little girlies are as cute as can be!
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