I know a half birthday may not seem like anything to the average person. But when you are turning four and a half, it's a different story. A new age to tell all who ask... yes, it's a day that AnnaClaire has been looking forward to and now it is here! From now on, she is 4 1/2!

Oh, my beautiful AnnaClaire. My first baby sister. The little girl that has taught me so much in the 3.5 years that she has been a part of our family. She is simply beautiful on the inside and out. She is so spunky and loving. If it were up to her, she would snuggle in your lap all day long. She adores people and is oh so extroverted. She has literally never met a stranger. She has been since the day we met her. She wears us out with her constant talking, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

She has the sweetest heart and always looks out for those around her. She is an amazing big sister to Kate and Charlie, too, who she constantly prays for and talks about (and Grace, too!) She adores her bunny who, believe it or not, really did used to be pink. She loves with every ounce of her heart... she loves her "whole family" more than anything in the world... well, except for her "God and Jesus."

She is full of spirit and joy... she's always jumping and smiling. I think she has permenant marks in her cheeks from smiling so much. She is literally the most joyful little girl that I have ever met. She simply has the most beautiful personality... such a zest for LIFE!

She makes my heart happy and I can not even imagine life before this sweet little girl entered my world. I am forever greatful for the woman that chose life 4.5 years ago today... because through ashes, God has restored sweet AnnaClaire's life into something beautiful... and as much as some people hate the term "meant to be," I have no doubt that before the world even began, God planned this amazing little girl to be a part of my life... to be a part of my family... to grow up knowing His perfect love and that His mercies are new every morning.

Happy 4.5 birthday, my precious girl... because we can never run out of reasons to celebrate YOU! I love you to the moon and back... and
so much more!
She's so cute! I'm all for celebrating half birthdays, and I'm 23...and a half ;)
Happy 1/2 Birthday!!
such a sweet girl, you are so lucky to have her as a sister and she is so lucky to have you as a amazing sister (same for the rest of your siblings)
I "get" the half birthdays. Happy half to sweet Anna Claire! And having spent time with you guys, I too am a firm believer that God knew she was going to be part of your family long before she was born.
Happy 4 1/2 to your beautiful, sweet, spunky, darling little sister!! She blesses everyone!
completely agree with the 'meant to be'! all our days are part of His perfect plan. happy 1/2!!!
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