We had SUCH a great Easter today... just a great time as a family, celebrating our Savior's resurrection... Here's a little recap in pictures of our Easter Sunday. Hope you all had a blessed day, as well!

The morning started with the girlies coming down to see their Easter goodies from Mommy and Daddy-- bubbles and candy!

We then sat down at the table and did Easter eggs!

The girlies had so much fun dying and decorating their eggs!

Didn't they do a great job?

It was then into their beautiful Easter dresses and off to Church!

Here's my beautiful Kate Cakes, who had such fun celebrating today!

And sweet Boo, who loved every moment of being together as a "whole fam-a-ly"

After Church, it was off to lunch at PF Cha*ngs!

We all thouroughly enjoyed our Chinese!

The Gre*at Wall of Chocolate was amazing, too, as anyone would tell you :)

It was a beautiful day outside, yet again. Something about a beautiful, warm Easter day...

The girlies walked hand in hand back to the car... melts my heart!

While AnnaClaire and Kate napped, Mom hid eggs for an egg hunt!

The girls searched and searched and found every last egg... and then wanted to hide them all again and start over!

They even both tried some of their eggs, which both enjoyed with a bit of salt on top!

Dad helped them blow bubbles and took them for a walk with their babies before dinner, a fun end to a very fun day!
Happy Easter! What a lovely day you all had! Thank you for sharing it!
Easter blessings to your family!
LOVE the girls' dresses! They are always dressed so cute! Your has great taste in clothes!
Wow! I can't believe you fit all that stuff into one day! And got THREE cute outfits onto the girls, to boot! :)
Awesome, Happy Easter to you all!!
Love, Kim
I have been following your blog for some time now and I can only say from a Mom's point of view, how proud you must make your parents! I marvel at your maturity...physically, emotionally,mentally and spiritually !!! What a blessing you are for your family and all of us who follow this life journey with you. Thanks for sharing!
Ellen GA
PS...Did your Mom make, have made or buy the girls Easter dresses! I have never seen the cross smocking and it is beautiful.
Hi Emily, I have a blogging question for you...I noticed that you were able to take the map of China on the right side of your blog page and write in "Charlie here" and "Grace here". I love that! How were you able to do that?
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