Today is a sort of special day in that it marks the day that we have had AnnaClaire as long as we haven't. On December 11, 2006, our little Bu Bear was placed in our arms... at 13 months and 2 weeks (to the day) old. Today marks 13 months and 2 weeks after gotcha day which means we have officially had her as long as we haven't. Sadly, I went straight from school to a swim meet and got home just after AC went to bed, I have no pictures. Here's one from Wednesday though! I absolutely love that picture. I just love my mei mei! She is the sweetest thing ever!
My Precious Mei Mei,
Today is a special day! You became part of our family when you were 13 months and 2 weeks old. That same amount of time has passed since you became part of our family! That means you have been AnnaClaire the same amountt of time that you lived in China! That is very special... I love you so much! Never forget that. You will always be my precious gift and I will love you forever. I cannot believe you have been in our family this long already. The same amount of time has passed since you were placed in Mommy's arms that had passed since you were born... You have grown so much in these 13 months and 2 weeks! I love you Bu Bear!
Love, Sissy
It's so great that you remember to celebrate each and every milestone. She's a doll baby!
What a momentous day for your family. We are still a long way from this. ongratulations. I need to figure out the exact day for us and write it down so I'll know when we get there. BTW, I have been doing a bit of blogging on my own site. You can check it out if you get a chance.
Aw, she is so adorable!
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