We have to wait to hear from AWAA (tomorrow morning) before we can book our flights. We should also find out when gotcha day will be at that time. It all depends on if Kate will be able to stay at Philip Hayden or not. We are PRAYING that she will stay.
Thank you, Lord!
(The pictures above are of Kate playing "bumper cars" with her nanny and some of the House of Peace kiddos. They were taken yesterday so are very recent! What a great thing to wake up to, seeing our sweet girls precious SMILE!)
How sweet those pictures are!!! And that nanny looks like a doll her self! How sweet that she would hop on to help that sweet baby!! What precious pictures...
2 WEEKS!!!!!!! I was on my toes waiting for y'all to get CA, i was so nervous that they would bump Y'ALL back...which in the long run would bump US back! Oh, this is so great!
So happy for you!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that 2nd one..she looks like "hot stuff" riding around on her car! :)
2 weeks and counting..better get to packing!
Rejoice with those who rejoice!...and we do!
Yeah! We are glad Kate is coming home to her special family :)
Caroline- mom to Sarah Lu (and still waiting for LOA at day 98)
Oh Emily (and Pam) I'm so excited for you!!!! Two weeks will not get here soon enough for you I know. Also, how special to spend AnnaClaire's birthday in China this year!
That picture of kate is so sweet. God has truly blessed you all with the ability to get updates on your sweet girl while you have waited!
CONGRATS! Get packin' and go hope on that plane!
SOOOO excited for you all!! Can't wait to follow your trip!! That picture of Kate is adorable!!
Wow 2 weeks! Looks like AC may be getting a little sister for her b-day:)
Yeah China, here you come!!!!
So thrilled for you all Emily and I know you are so over the moon right now.
Love you girl and CONGRATS on your success with the essay you wrote.
I am so excited!! I just talked to your mom today and she said you guys were anxiously CA. It's amazing how similar our adoption journeys are. Your Kate is from the same city as our Lydia. We also waited 2 weeks for our CA from the date we requested it. Kate is exactly one month younger than Lydia was when we adopted her, you travel one day later then we did back in 2005 so your Gotcha Day will be almost the same as ours and you will return the same day we did those three years ago. I'm getting excited for you just thinking about it!
Love the new pictures! What a beautiful smile!
I am so happy for you guys. I cannot believe that you will soon have Kate in your arms. Are you all going? Hope you will post from China!
Whooo hoo!
WOOOOOO HOOOOO! I am so glad, Emily! Yeah you are going to China.
Miss Kate is so beautiful. You'll be in China for the twins birthday!! Fun!!
I can't wait to see pictures of you in CHINA!! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAH!!!! You'll have to finish up all the changes with your house and buy a few more items of baby gear. Will you do a post w/ all of this stuff?? I love seeing the 'nesting' happen, the pre-travel madness was my favorite!! Enjoy this time~ it's amazing!!
(RQ Friend)
I'm behind in reading so how exciting to think that now it's only ONE WEEK until you leave for China!!! SO excited for your family!
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