I wish I could adequately explain the feeling I have right now. It's just about every emotion I've ever had mixed up inside of me at once. Of course, the EXCITEMENT stands out from the other emotions. Have I mentioned that we are leaving on October 23? And it is October 22? THAT MEANS TOMORROW. YES, WE GO TO CHINA TOMORROW.
I am SO excited. I can't say I'm excited about the 14 hour plane ride that we have tomorrow. Or the fact that we will be with a (very) active two year old on that flight (of course, I'm SO excited that we have AnnaClaire with us this time, I just can't say the flight will be so fun), but... that's okay, because we are going to CHINA!
The suitcases are about zipped, we enjoyed our last Chickfila fix for the next few weeks... I went to our schools state soccer game last night (we lost, but that's okay, we made it pretty far!) and got my final goodbyes and hugs from friends... WE ARE READY!
AC and I were watching Barney this afternoon and you will never guess which episode came on. It was about China! Then after China Barney, I found the episode of Arthur where Binky's family adopts a little girl from China. We hadn't seen it yet and it was cute :)
Tonight, we are going to let AC open some of her presents that are things to do on the plane. We have a few things to let her open on her actual birthday, but we'll do a little mini-celebration tonight.
It dawned on me, as I was putting AC into her bed for her nap, that this is the last time that we only have ONE sweet girl to put down for a nap... next nap time, there will be TWO!
I'm so excited.
In the midst of all my excitement, I wanted to ask for prayers for a couple of families...
This family received their referral the same day as us. My mom has become good friends with this mom and we were looking forward to getting our girls together! They ended up getting their LOA a month before us. Now they have had an ongoing problem with USCIS and expiring paperwork that has caused them to STILL be without their daughter, 2 months after TA. They need mountains moved to be able to bring home their adorable daughter, Cali. Please, PLEASE pray for this family. We serve an AWESOME God who can do anything... we know that! So join me in prayer for the Cali's sweet family!
Ashley's family, Karleigh Mei's family, and Elisabeth's family (password protected) all received their referrals in July. They have been waiting over 100 days for their LOAs. The hard thing is that an AWAA group with referrals and LOIs the same day as these families received their LOAs last month and recently got TA. These 3 families (and others) are STILL waiting for LOA. Please pray along with me that they will come THIS week so they can go get their precious children as soon as possible.
Chayah's family has also been waiting FAR TOO LONG for their LOA. We traveled with this family when we brought AnnaClaire home. They were getting Sarah Lu! They sent an LOI to adopt a precious 6 year old girl from Sarah Lu's orphanage last year and are still waiting to bring her home. Please pray for them as the await their LOA... for peace, comfort, and that it would come SOON!
I'll update again later. For now, lets cover these families in prayers!
Emily, I told your mom this but I'll tell you too...we are praying for you and will every day you are in China! I can't wait to read your blogs in the coming days and I'm so excited to meet Kate when you guys get home! Have a great trip and remember that God is in control of every moment of every day! You are going to be such a big help to your mom and dad with AC on the trip AND by keeping us all informed on your blog! Try and get some sleep tonight if you can!!! Love to you all!
TOMORROW! Can you believe it!!!??? I would be going CrAzY! How cool that y'all watched the two "china shows"...Aurther used to be my favorite. :0) I will have to go watch the new one with there adopted lil Chinese girl! hahah!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the prayers! They are felt!!
Now, enjoy your last night...in the USA...with out your Kate (although, that part is not very enjoyable...)...have some fun last minute packing...and I can't wait to visit the blog when y'all are IN CHINA!
Emily, I'm checking in from work on my work computer because I"m on call tonight. I'm so very excited for your family. You all mean so much to Maddy and I!! I hope you have safe travels and no glitches in anything. Our family will be praying for all of each day. We will also pray for the other families who are waiting to hear. God can move mountains that is for sure.
God Speed,
Robin, Maddy and Marty
So EXCITED you are going TOMORROW! YIPPEE!!!!! Enjoy the night and the flight will go by so fast, at least ours did. AC will probably enjoy it better than you all! Susannah slept a lot; might have had to do with her situation but still I bet AC will sleep a lot too!
Praying for all our friends still waiting!
SO excited for you and your family! Praying for all of you as you travel and also for sweet Kate as she has many adjustments ahead of her.
Blessings and prayers as you travel. Also, praying for those families as you requested. We serve a great God and praying that He will move the mountains required for their children to come home.
Tomorrow you will be on your way to China!!! Did you think this day would ever come?!? Hope you all have a great trip and the ajustment for Kate is an easy one. Keeping you, Kate, and the rest of your family in my prayers these next weeks! And I will be here looking forward to following your China journey!
Godspeed! We're so happy for you all. Anna Claire is as adorable as ever! I am happy to have found your blog again (you sent me the red beans & rice recipe a while ago--we still make it--and LOVE it). We are almost ready to be DTC for a lil' sister or brother for Lily--just waiting for USCIS approval. I look forward to following your journey to Kate!
so excited you're leaving tomorrow to get your kate!! we are praying for a safe and wonderful trip!!!
Ahh-- tomorrow?!?!?!? Are you completely and unbelievably thrilled/excited/happy?!?!! WOW!!! I am SOOOOO happy for you!!!! This is so exciting, Kate is coming home!!!!! =D Praise the Lord!!! I remember the night before we left for China; I was talking to you and was so excited and nervous at the same time. ;) The flight, not the greatest... but once you're in China, it is definitely the best thing ever!!!!!! I cannot wait to see Kate with you finally!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!
And THANK YOU for the prayers!!! :) They help SO much and like the verse says, it will not be late. I've been thinking on that verse this week and it has helped SO much!
Once again, SO extrememly thrilled for you right now!!! Awww, I can't wait to see Kate in your arms forever!!! TOMORROW YOU ARE GOING TO CHINA!!!! WOHOO!!!!!! =D
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