Nothing new... I just can't believe it is FINALLY here. We are leaving somewhere between 19-21 days!!! And getting Kate shortly after!! I will be glad when we hear of our CA and can know EXACTLY when everything will happen... and order plane tickets... and start packing!!!!!!!!
Today it hit me how HARD it is going to be to miss 2 weeks of school. Thankfully, we have the 23rd and 24th off anyway, so that's two less days to worry about. However, it's going to be TOUGH. This year is not like last year at all... it is really hard. I'm just trying not to worry about it. I know that a few of my teachers are NOT going to like the idea. But you know, I would never miss this. There is nothing in the world that would keep me from going on this trip. Going to China to adopt your sister is probably one of the best learning opportunities you can get. It's going to be hard, but it's going to be SO worth it!!!
Now come on Monday, so we can know EXACTLY when we are going!
Congratulations on your upcoming trip to China for your sister Kate! It's so wonderful to read your blog, the view of adoption from a sibling. Thanks for sharing your story Emily.
I was just realizing last night that you all will be in China to celebrate AnnaClaire's 3rd Birthday. That is pretty cool I think. And, you'll be there in time before your Visa's expire, right?! I'm so excited for you all to get there and to follow your journey once again. :0)
Hi Evelyn! That is so excited about your CA! Maybe you can post some "room swap" pictures and baby gear that you have for Katherine. :-) I love seeing that stuff!! Will you have a babyshower for Katherine?? SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just love that picture! The pigtails are so adorable! Only a few more weeks and Kate will be in your arms! Can't wait to continue to follow your journey in China.
You're so right that there is no learning experience that can match going to China to meet your baby sister! Monday will be here before you know it!
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