It is with great joy, excitement, and thanksgiving that I announce my little brother,
Charles DaShan, "Charlie"
He was born on January 5, 2006, which makes him 3 1/2, 2.5 months younger than AnnaClaire and almost exactly 14 months older than Kate! His name is Zhou Da Shan and he has lived at the Chongqing SWI in Chongqing, China since he was 2 days old! He is described as a clever and lovely boy who is loved by all. He is tiny, weighing 26 pounds and is 33 inches tall!
And we are SOOOOO excited to bring this little guy home!
I know you all want the story of how exactly Charlie came to be... and it's a good one. I am just amazed at how God brought him to us... so here we go.
We've always said that AC and Kate would be it... before we even knew what we were going to name them, we knew we were going to adopt two little girls from China... and that was it. Yet, my mom has also dreamed about having 6 kids since before Dad and Mom even got married. But then we went to China for Kate and we just knew that we were done. Our family was complete with the seven of us... or so we thought.
For the first few months home, those hard months with Kate, we were sure we were done. And then, on Mom's birthday, we took a picture of all the kids... and it looked so empty... like someone was missing. Our family started talking and Gracie/Charlie constantly came up. However, although we talked about it, from what I saw and heard, I knew that God was literally going to have to drop a little one in our laps if he wanted us to adopt again.
April came, which was when our 6 month post placement took place... when we could apply to AWAA again. We didn't, and I was sure that was it. We still talked but it started feeling more like a dream than a reality.
In June, we started talking more about a "Charlie" than a "Gracie" and knew that if we went back, it'd be a little boy. That is when Mom really felt that God was calling us back, and that he had a little BOY in China who was OURS. She started looking at lists (I don't even know why I said started... we looked at lists long before... but that's when she REALLY started looking at lists... as in not just thinking, "aww he/she is cute!")
And then on July 2nd, I was lifeguarding when Dad brought AnnaClaire and Kate to the pool. He came over and said, "You will NEVER believe what your mom is doing right now." I laughed and said, "What?" He then told me that she had found a little boy on a list named "Charlie" and she was asking for his file. He also told me that his SN was club feet and he was a little older than Kate (we later realized we had gotten the birthday off by a year, so he's closer to AC.) I asked if he was cute, and he said they hadn't seen pictures. I knew it must be serious if Mom was asking for a file without even seeing pictures first!
I got home and everyone was around the computer talking about him. All there was was a little line that said, "Charlie Male 1/5/06 club feet Chongqing." Mom had found the list through the No Hands But Ours website. She had seen the agency before, Madison Adoption Associates, but she had never asked to join the yahoo group... until that day.
They had all the referrals in the files. I then was able to find his entire FILE on the yahoo group. We saw the little picture of him holding the pink ball and we just KNEW he was ours.
My mom emailed D. and told her we had found his file and were definitely interested (thankfully, he was on the individual list, not the shared list... so we had TIME! Which was nice since it was a holiday weekend!) Now remember this was a Thursday NIGHT after hours. She emailed back with a form to fill out and told us that she had just received on update on Charlie and she would get it to us soon. On 4th of July morning, we got the update... 3 more pictures which had been taken not even a week ago, and his measurements.
However, our biggest concern was still not answered... was he walking or not? In his initial referral information, which was done when he was 2.5, he was not walking. We knew he was ours though and that he would walk eventually (him not walking was due to his club feet), so we sent off our LOI, asked them to hold the file, and filled out a few other things that MAA needed.
That week, we brought the file to the dr. and got the official okay. We also found out that he WAS walking... a definite praise! Our LOI went out on July 10th and I was in China when we received the news that we had PA, which was on July 18th! (oh and MAA allows pictures to be posted after PA, which is why I can post them!)
So that's how Mr. Charlie came to be... a story perfectly orchestrated by the God who LOVES and CREATED him...
What's next for us? We are busy with the paperchase! We have a deadline to get our dossier in China by 10/17, but it can be extended. Our biggest issues have been with our homestudy... we are doing it with our last social worker (our new agency isn't licensed in NC, so we are using our old agency for our homestudy.) Let's just say, we applied 3 weeks ago and STILL haven't been approved. So very frustrating, but I guess we are going to have to learn a bit of PATIENCE... not easy for me! God has definitely given me peace in the wait so far... I hope that he continues to show me that good things come to those who WAIT! He has promised us little Charlie and in his perfect timing, we will get to meet this precious little boy that we have fallen head over heals in love with! We are hoping to travel in the Spring of '10!
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
Jeremiah 1:5

I love this story, SO MUCH! I am amazed at God. AND, guess what, last time I was in China, I was in Chongqing, so if your mom needs info on that area, she can email me!
BTW, you must go to the book store, it was my favorite place there!
SO exciting!! I can't wait to follow your journey to this sweet boy! :D
Wow, an 8 day PA? Here's praying that all your other "As" come that quickly! Even though we are a bit ahead of you, it would be a blast to be back in China with you again...
By the way, thanks for the full story! I had talked with your mom and knew a bit, but it was nice to get all the details.
Love the kids picture with Charlie photoshopped in!
looks so complete with him sitting there on your bros lap. so sweeeettt!!!!!
i can't wait to follow this journey!! and chasing charlie???? that is WAY to cute for words! LOVE IT!
what are you going to do about your URL being andthentherewere...SEVEN?? cause now there is EIGHT!!!! hehe!
Congratulations..... can't wait to add Charlie to our group! Hopefully by next spring all our babies will be home. We may have to find a new place to eat (:
Praising God along with your family!!! So, I'm already claiming him for Sara Beth! Do I hear wedding bells 20 years from now?!
Yay! Little Charlie is officially "out-of-the-bag!" God is SO good. I have't seen the rest of the pics. He is one handsome boy. :-)
How fun that now you get to shop for little boy clothes, shoes, etc. :-) Your next China experience will be so different.
Praying God brings your boy home SOOOOOOON! I know the wait is torture. We're still awaiting our official referral. We thought this week would be it, but sounds like it may be at least a few more weeks. :-(
Rejoicing with your family!
Sweet blessings,
So happy for you all! What great news!!
God bless you on this journey to Charlie.
In Christ,
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli
Huge congrats. Charlie is adorable!
I just LOVE seeing his pics up!
praying this process goes smoothly and quickly. :)
God is so good!!!
Our Emanuiel was three when we brought him home.
I know you can't wait to bring that little guy home!
So excited that you are bringing this special little one home. He is adorable. Cannot wait to hear more about him and what the girls think about getting a brother.
How wonderful! It is amazing to watch God's plan unfold. May he bless you all through your journey to your new little brother Charlie!
In Jesus,
What a lovely story!!! You now look complete!! I love the last picture and he is such a handsome boy by the way!!! It will be wonderful to follow along your journey there again!!!
I can't belive it ,he is so cute
YAY!!!! (:(:(:(:(:(:(:
I tried to post a comment last night, but it didn't work?
Congrats on your darling, perfect little Charlie! I am so happy for you all and think the world of your family. Will you please send my congratulations and best wishes to your mom? She and I became e-mail friends during AnnaClaire and Elli's adoptions.
He is truly a little angel-- can't wait to follow your journey to him. We leave in a few days for our own little guy! (:
So happy for your family!
It was actually my Mum put me in touch with your blog. If you check out my blog you will see her, she was visiting us here in Canada for 3 weeks. My Mum is the lady that sent you the square for Kate's good wishes quilt with the 'K' patchwork. She is the whole way from Ireland! She was wondering if you got it okay?
Ever since we adopted Lilah 7 months ago my Mum has been interested in reading a few peoples journeys, yours is definitely one of them!
Much love in His name.
Jill xx
WOW!!! oh my goodness, i am just sooo extremely thrilled for you guys!!! what an amazing story and i can't wait to see little mr. charlie in your arms forever and soon!!! :)
p.s. he's sooooo cuuuttteeee!!! =D
Congratulations!!! We are so happy and thrilled for you all. Can't wait to hear more about this sweet boy and all the ways the Lord will continue to write his story to be part of your family!
What a great story! Congrats!
YEAH!!! We hope to be there Spring 10 too IN THE SAME PLACE! ;) Wouldn't that be something if our families go to travel to China together after all?!?
He is just precious!!! Congrats!!!
Congrats! We are so excited for your family.
I just love how similar your story to Charlie is to our story of Shuangshuang! God just leads the way if we open our hearts to Him!
Congrats to you all! He is so beautifu. And I have no doubt he will fit in perfectly and I bet keep your mom on her toes too! :) He could not be joining a nicer family and we are truly thrilled for all of you - especially him! I will be checking in for updates - so keep them coming and I will pray for a break with the HS ... waiting is never easy.
crying tears of joy! congratulations to your beautiful family. i'm amazed at how much he looks like my kenan but maybe i'm the only one who can see it. you're making me want more!!!
Congrats! So excited to watch Charlie become part of your lives.
Redmond, WA
Congratulations! He is a cutie!
Congratulations!!!! :) I am so excited for you guys!! God is soooo good!!! I will be praying for you all! Charlie is THE cutest little guy ever!! So handsome! :) I love the family photo with Charlie cropped in!!
God is SO GOOD!!! What an amazing way He has led your family once again! Your family's trust in God and allowing Him to lead you is such a blessing to all who read your blog. Again and again I am blessed to have met you and encouraged by another family who is allowing God to lead each and every step of our adoption(s). (One for me and 3 for you. :o)
Congratulations Emily, Pam and the rest of your amazing family! Charlie is totally adorable and I cannot wait to celebrate the day he is placed in your arms!
Yippee Jesus!! That is so exciting!!
I am sorry I have been a little busy and missed the big announcement- but better late than never!!
I can hardly wait to follow your journey to Charlie!
He is adorable and I love the name!! God is so good!!
Tell you Mom congrats!!
Yea! I'm a little behind, but congratulations to your family. He is a cutie!
Congrats on your sweet Charlie. I love the story how God brought him to your family. We have a very similar story. Our family was complete with our two beautiful girls from China...or so we too thought! We now wait for TA for our own sweet boy, Michael James! God is so good and we are very grateful!
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