I took AnnaClaire outside the other day and she wanted her "bicycle" with us. (Yes, not trike or bike.. bicycle! It's so cute when she says it!) So anyway, out we went and we took a nice long ride. She is so good at peddling now! she peddled the whole time and besides at little slopes, she didn't even need a push! She did so well! She was just adorable peddling down the street with Bunny in the trunk. Every few minutes, she would stop, get out, give Bunny a kiss and put her back in, making sure she was nicely tucked in. She really does love her Bunny.. it's her baby! At one point, she started saying, "snowman over there, Sissy! See?" When I didn't see it, she decided to direct me towards it and after passing a sweet dog, we got to the end of the street and sure enough there was a snowman flag! She doesn't miss a beat! We had a very nice ride and over an hour later, we got home and had spaghetti. AnnaClaire loves spaghetti and definitely showed it with the sauce all over her face! She then showed me her John the Baptist puppet she had made in the nursery (Mom goes to Bible studies on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so AnnaClaire goes to the nursery and always makes a little craft.)
So anyway, enjoy the pictures from our ride. She loves biking!
ha! I love those pictures, Her outfit is adorable :) and of course Bunny had to enjoy the ride too! I'm sure she'll always remember those nice times she spends with you;)
I had to come out and say I love seeing AC in that outfit! We bought it for Faith, so seeing her in it reminds me that one day she will finally be home. :)
Aww those are too cute! I love how she always has her bunny with her wherever she goes.
Ok... Major CUTENESS overload!!!! AnnaClaire is just WAY too cute for words!!! =D
Oh, also, check out Chayah's blog. Remember how on the list it was "Jane" and "Michael"... well, we have a new picture of the two of them together, and it is SOOOO cute! And did you know that "Michael" aka "DiDi" is being adopted? Well, he is and he will live just 45 minutes away from us!!! Ok, just thought I'd tell you that too. :)
AnnaClaire is just TOO CUTE!!! What a big girl to be riding her bicycle :)
Does AnnaClaire have the Knufflebunny books by Mo Willem??? She needs them - all about a little girl (it is the author's daughter) and her special BUNNY!!!
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