Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Continue your prayers

She's back home, feeling a little better. She didn't sleep last night or the night before and hasn't napped. She's slept on and off throughout the afternoon but nothing real because she wakes up everytime she coughs. So.. she's extremely tired and on top of that is having major nosebleeds (her one orphanage trait- banging head- which gave her a terrible nosebleed and now it's sensitive and bleeds if it's touched.) She's breathing great and her fever is gone. She still has quite the cough.


Just continue praying for her... she's having a really rough few days and is really crummy.

Thanks for all your prayers and comments. They mean so much. Thank you so very much!


jeanette said...

I'll continue praying. Thanks for keeping us updated...been checking often today just to see how things were. :)

Lisa said...

I am so sorry to hear that Anna Claire has been so sick. Poor baby! I will definitley say a special prayer for her.

Elise said...

I missed her being sick....Hailey used to get the croup all the time as a baby/toddler and we had hospital visits a few times with her too. Can be so scary! I pray that you all are healthy very soon!

Robin said...

Maddy and I are still praying! It is day six for us and last night Maddy finally slept.. PTL!! (the doctors put her on steroids)Hopefully AnnaClaire will be there soon too. It's such a bummer when the little ones are sick.

ps.. absolutely LOVED AnnaClaire's valentine !! Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear AnnaClaire is home
We will keep her in our prayers


Melanie said...

I'm glad the fever is gone and she's breathing better!!
Hope she feels better soon!
Keeping you in my thoughts!
Hugs to AC.

Jie Jie to Sarah Lu and Chayah Ru said...

Glad to hear that she's home. But, poor girl!! The nosebleeds don't sound too fun! We're all praying for you, AnnaClaire!!!!!! Hugs!

Monica said...

poor AC. Hope she gets to feeling better. I know it bites to be that little and feel awful.

I have some cold from heck right now. I don't deal well with my nose itching horribly...and it is.


Holly said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear that AnnaClaire has been so sick. Poor thing. I will be keeping you guys in my prayers.

Jenn said...

Poor AC:( Glad to know she is home, home always makes you feel better. I will be praying for her recovery.
<>< Jenn

Elena said...

I am so happy she is ok. Croup can kill if you aren't careful. Those pictures make me want to cry for her. She is the cutest little girl. I want to meet her so bad. If your ever in Orlando Florida, let me know. I am sure Emma and Esther would love to play with Anna Claire. I am definatly ( I dunno if thats spelled right) praying for her.

Anonymous said...

Everyone around here (including the 2 year old twins) have been sick! Believe it or not, Vicks Vapor Rub on the feet and covered with socks actually helps with the cough and congestion...

Anonymous said...

I hadn't visited your blog for a few days and I'm so sorry to learn that little AnnaClaire has been so sick . . . poor thing! I pray she will be completely healthy very soon!!

Jennifer, mommy to Adrienne

Catherine said...

So sorry to hear how ill AnnaClaire has been. :o( Have prayed for her and will continue to do so.

Hope she's feeling much better soon.