Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Waiting Mommies

AnnaClaire trying on one of the presents from the gift exchange! This one went to Sarah Mei!

AnnaClaire and Emma Grace waiting for lunch. AnnaClaire absolutely loves Emma Grace!

My sweet mei mei


Joy and Emma Grace, waiting for Sarah Mei, Dana waiting for Aliana (and going to Vietnam soon for Maia!), Jeanette, waiting for Sara Beth, Mom and AnnaClaire, waiting for Kate, and Amy and Austin waiting for Mia Grace

Mom has some friends from the area who she met through the adoption world. Anyway, they get together a few times for a "Waiting Mommies Lunch" and such. (Yes, we are waiting again, too!) I totally forgot to post these pictures from their last get together in December! Anyway, they are coming over to our house today for lunch! AnnaClaire is so excited. She has been saying "Emma Grace, Emma Grace!" all morning. She adores Emma Grace. So anyway, just wanted to post those pictures from last time. Hopefully I'll have some to add later from today. Of course not from me since I'm still sick. =[

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohh Thos are the cutest pictures

You should make a ticker for Kate
