Friday- Wearing Sweatshirts at the Beach!

(Keep in mind that I have already posted a few/one picture(s) from each day on the actual day!) Thursday night was a terrible night for Mom, AC, and me. Whenever we go somewhere new, AnnaClaire normally doesn't sleep much and cries a lot at night. We were so thankful to get her sleeping without this problem and enjoyed 3 hours of talking after putting her down. However, close to 12:30, she got up and was WIDE awake. She was just chatting, saying she had to go potty, doing anything but sleeping. It kept me and Mom up. She laid very still and quiet after a little, but then I guess she got bored and started crying. She was literally wide awake. Mom went down in the basement and while she was trying to sleep down there, AnnaClaire somehow got out of the crib without making any noise. I popped up hearing her walking and she looked terrified. She looked around and got so scared, screaming for Mom. I finally soothed her and she lay in bed with me awhile, but was still wide awake and could not sleep. Shortly after all this, Mom came back up and told AnnaClaire that she needed to go back in the crib. "I sleep in the bed with Sissy, PLEASEEEEEEEEE!" So she did. However, she still didn't sleep, and finally she got back in the crib. Close to 4 hours after the start of this, we all fell asleep. So that was how our night went. We ended up having to wake AnnaClaire up close to 11:30 so we could go to the beach! Friday was very chilly at the beach. The water was the coldest and it was chilly outside, too. However, it was nice because we were pretty much the only people there. The girls didn't even care that it was pretty cold to be at the beach, they had a blast! They kept the sweatshirts on half the time we were there, as did we all. It was very different for me, as I am used to being at the Carolina beaches and those are VERY hot and humid in the summer! Anyway, the girls loved digging in the sand and getting buckets full of water! They made castles and buried Laura in the sand, too. It was so funny to watch them play in the sand, because they all squat... typical Chinese of them! It was pretty funny. There were lots of cute moments on the beach and I did get tons of pictures. Anyway, we headed back to the house on a nice, breezy wagon walk home. The C's house is just a few blocks from the beach, making a nice walk. The girls napped well and when the woke up, we headed to "The Boardwalk!" Lucy was so cute because she knew exactly where we were doing and squealed the whole way. All the girls started jumping up and down when they saw the rides. They had so much fun!! AnnaClaire loved the merry-go-round, as always, but after one ride on these truck things, she wanted nothing to do with rides. She was TERRIFIED. They had to stop the ride for her to get off, because she was crying so much. However, she loved watching her friends go on all the rides, and we were able to get her wristband transferred to me so I could ride the bigger rides with Laura. Of all kids, I could definitely see AnnaClaire loving rides. She's very outgoing and is normally always up to new and exciting things! But oh well, she still had a blast watching Lucy, Claire, Laura, and me. We had dinner at a boardwalk place with good pizza. Claire was very funny because she insisted that she did not want dinner and would rather keep riding rides! After dinner, we did that. We then tasted zeppoles. They were AMAZING! We all had powdered sugar everywhere after that tasty treat! We headed home after an exhausting day and everyone slept very well, that is for sure! AnnaClaire even had her first night staying dry all night long! So we had our first dry diaper at night and our first time getting out of the crib- all at Lucy's house! (note: this is the first time she has ever gotten out of the crib and it was definitely just a fluke! She is NOT ready for a big girl bed!)
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