First of all, I have SO many pictures to post. I hate getting behind on pictures... AnnaClaire and Mia went to the pumpkin patch on Friday and had an awesome time. I asked mom to take a few pictures and she surprised me with over 100! Mia and AC are so cute :). I promise I will update soon with all of those pictures... they really are cute! I still can't get over how AMAZING it is that out of everywhere in China, Mia and AnnaClaire were both in Chenzhou... and we live 5 minutes away from eachother! Such a huge WOW. AnnaClaire and Mia are soooo cute together and AnnaClaire has told us that Mia is her very best friend, as well as the cows. Anyway, I will post those pictures sometime this week.
Still no CA, exactly a week after getting TA. Mom called just to see what was going on with that, and our travel coordinator answered as well as sending out an email to all the families in our group. The Consulate was closed all last week, so although our agency requested CA right away on Wednesday, they probably didn't receive the request until they got back to work on Monday. It is normal to hear within 1-5 days, definitely between 3-5 days, so we should hear this week. I will update as SOON as we know. At that point, we should also find out if Kate will stay at Philip Hayden for gotcha day or be transfered back to Shangrao. We are praying HARD that she will stay at Philip Hayden. She has had quite a few moves to make in her short life (she was found at 2 months, lived at Shangrao for 2 months, lived at the House of Peace for 13 months, and has lived at House of Love for 2 months.) and we are praying that she will not have to make another before her life COMPLETELY changes.
I do have a prayer request~ Dad has had some major back pains this past week and went to the dr. yesterday for some tests and had an MRI done. Turns out that he has a herniated disk. He had surgery for a herniated disk 5 years ago, too. We are thankful that is all that is wrong, because we had worried about other things. So we are PRAISING God about that. However, this is not the most ideal time... We are going to China in 2 weeks and Dad is in a LOT of pain. Anyway, if you could just pray for Dad and that the meds would help!
On another note, we are going to Atlanta this weekend for my cousins wedding!! So there will be lots of fun pictures from that, too. We are excited to see our extended family, as it has been since my other cousin (the twin of the cousin getting married this weekend!) got married in June 07 since we have seen them!
Today Mom and AnnaClaire had lunch with their sweet "waiting mommies" group. (Sara Beth's mommy, Aliana Grace and Maia's mommy, Sarah Mei's mommy, and Mia Grace's mommy! Don't you love all those double names! Bet you can tell we're from the south :)) I heard it was very fun! Aliana Grace and Maia's mommy and Sarah Mei's mommy gave Kate the CUTEST bib and brought a sweet, sweet big sister book for AC! It's so cute and fun! Thanks ladies! We can't wait to celebrate with you guys on your precious daughters! Of course, we are now loaded with bows for Kate! Thanks Jeanette! Can't wait to see Kate wearing the precious bows you have made us!
I also have a question. We have gotten a few nanny gifts but wanted to get something extra special for Kate's main nanny. She has been with Kate most, if not all, of her time at PHF and even moved to the House of Love with her. Kate's very best friend is her nanny and they are extremely close. Drew said that Kate's nanny loves her SOOOO much, too. Anyway, we really want to get her something extra special. I am wondering if you have any good ideas for a gift for her. We think of her like Kate's foster mother, so something you would buy for a foster mother...
That's about it for now. I cannot believe that we are most likely leaving for China in a little over 2 weeks!!!!!! I don't think we will end up having to leave early (like we had thought), because from what we have heard, you can get a one month extension on your visas. We are still looking into this for sure, but it will probably either be 2 weeks or 16 days until we are on that plane (well... if we can get that CA!)
Have a blessed night :)
Emily, I love reading all of your updates about your precious sisters. I am so happy your TA is here and you will be meeting beautiful Kate very soon. I was going to tell you what we did for Esther's primary nannie. We bought a necklace with a locket and put her photo in it. I would think with all the photos you have of Kate you could also put together a beautiful album or scrapbook. As a mom the greatest gift I could have are photos of my little ones.
love to you
your mom took 100 pictures?! you're rubbing off on her. :)
praying -for your dad, for Kate not to move, for CA..for God to continue to perfectly orchestrate every sweet detail of this time -as He has done up 'till this point. :)
Can't wait to see those pictures!
Oh, won't it be fun to doll up that baby with bows! So much fun...that what I am most looking forward to in the clothes wearing department....THE BOWS! Although we only have 2 as of right now, we need to change that!
Maybe a piece of jewelry that could have Kate's pictures on it (maybe a bracelet....necklace?) would be something nice to give the Nanny? Just a thought...
I check your blog everyday! Your sisters are adorable.
As far as a gift for Kate's foster Mother, I too think a piece of jewerly would be great. Tiffany has some nice and not to expensive braclets.
Good Luck!
I agree, you will cherish pictures, a scrapbook would def. mean a lot to her. I was thinking, for my grandmother we got her a necklace that had the grandkids names engraved on it. Maybe if you got her something like that with Shia, since she has been so special. Just something to help her remember her by.
Praying for CA and that you can travel soon!!!!
Hey Emily,
I am so excited for you to go bring Kate home!!! :)
About the ayi gift. Our friends had given us two necklaces to take to China. One was for Maura and the other was for her nanny. It was such a great idea because the necklaces both had hearts. One of the hearts was smaller than the other and when both necklaces were together, they sat inside each other. Does that make sense?
I don't know if Maura's nanny got it because we gave it to the orphanage director, to give to the nanny. It was nice trying and knowing that someone in China, who cared for Maura had something they shared!
I think a necklace is a great idea-maybe a locket or heart!
E-mail me if you have any questions!! Now, where is that CA??!?!?!
I hope your dad is feeling better!
I can't belive your "MOM" took 100 pictures. :0)
Praying for your CA appointment to be very soon.
Hi Emily...Kate is just beautiful!! Can't wait to see you in China!!....C.C. Claybrook (Henry's mom and fellow China traveler:-)
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