AFTER- AnnaClaire's Room

Those are some pictures of AC's room. We are still waiting on her chair and we still need to do some hanging. However, I think it is beautiful and fit for a princess. She loves her big girl room and has done so well sleeping in her BIG GIRL bed!! Her room has gone through the most changes. It was pink when we first moved here (I wasn't even 2 yet!) and it belonged to me! When I was in 5th grade, we re did it lime green. Finally, when Drew went to college, Drew and I traded rooms. I couldn't find any pictures of it when it was Drew's room, as it wasn't his for long. However, here's my extremely cluttery lime green room which is now AnnaClaire's pink room! What a difference! (once pink, then green, then brown, and now pink again!)
AFTER- Kate's Room

Okay, so this is nothing new, as it was the exact same for AC, but in case you didn't follw my blog originally, we actually floored in our foyer to make a nursery. For the past two years, it has been AnnaClaire's room, but now it is getting passed down to Kate! We are still waiting on a few finishing touches (the pictures above the crib are going into AC's room and are being replaced with cute letters spelling Kate's name.) We LOVE the nursery!
AFTER- Drew's Room/Guest Room

Drew's room has gone through a lot of transformation, too. I didn't have any great pictures of the full room before, but trust me when I say how huge of a difference it is. It was our living room with a beautiful piano (which is now in the family room) and 23 year old furniture against bright red walls.
(Just had to add that the doggie is our precious Maggie who died a year ago today. She was the BEST dog and we miss her so much!)
Just in case you are confused... I lived in the room that AnnaClaire is now in. However, Drew and I traded rooms when he went to college so the once lime green (and before that, pink) room turned brown. Then we did the nursery (which was originally an open foyer). We re-did Drew's room (the one that was mine at first) for AnnaClaire so Kate could move into the nursery. However, we still really wanted a guest room and somewhere to put all of Drew's furniture, so we walled in the living room to make a bedroom which is now Drew's room/guest room. I know that is really confusing...
4 DAYS until we are on our way to China... 6 until we have Kate! Hard to believe that this morning was our last time at Church without Kate!
Emily, forgive me cuz I'm a tad confused! :) Did AnnaClaire move to your old room, you to Drew's old room, and then Kate into the nursery/AC's old room? Especially now that I've been there, I'm trying to picture it all! :)
I told your mom too, but if there are specific prayer requests for us to be praying for-let us know!
Loved seeing your home and your dog. We are so excited that we will be traveling with you to China to get our two boys, Zach and Luke. Looking forward to that hug you promised me at church in Beijing! Tina in California
I'm so glad to see Jeanette was confused too. I'm thinking you are still in the room Maddy and I used when we visited and AnnaClaire is in the room across the hall?? Yes ??
The guest room/Drew's room is Lovely! Of course, kate's room and AC's rooms are absolutely darling too. I know you guys are getting so excited.!
It all looks beautiful! I can't believe you leave in four days. I'm SO EXCITED for you!!! I will be praying.
Yes,I'm thoroughly confused. :) Guess I'll just have to visit someday, but even then I think I'd still be confused. Ha! The rooms look great, though!
BTW, your mom sent me a not so nice email this morning. Something about "Hook Em Horns", blah, blah, blah. Whatever! ;-) Crying in Columbia.
Jeanette, you stayed in AnnaClaire's new room (it was Drew's room at the time). Robin, yes, you stayed in my room (which is still my room!) Yes, AnnaClaire's new room is across the hall, between Mom and Dad's and Will's.
Jeanette, AC moved into my old room, which was Drew's room for 2 years. I moved into Drew's old room two years ago (we traded... my room is the same as it was when you were here. It's the one Robin stayed in.) and Kate is in the nursery, which is where AC was until now. :)
thanks for clearing that up Emily! :)
It all looks wonderful!! Getting so excited for you!! Can't wait to see pics of you together!!
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